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DSI called the Start of this Crash

Bob Moriarty

May 9, 2019

In early December of last year I wrote about what I considered a really great deal for investors to sign up for a year of the DSI Index at a nice discount. Jake Bernstein is offering a deal this year, not quite as good, but just as valuable. You could pay for it with a single good trade. Until June 15th you can get a year of the DSI Index for $1000 off the regular price of $1895 yearly.

If you don’t think it’s valuable, perhaps you should read this piece that I posted on the 24th of December timing the bottom of the market to the day. Using nothing more than the DSI and some Kentucky Windage, I forecast another eleven commodities would turn. All eleven did turn either at once or shortly thereafter.

It’s not magic. In yet another piece three weeks ago I said, “We are at an extreme of emotion right now in global stock markets. Sentiment has once again become overheated and I expect that a large decline will begin in the next few weeks. I also expect gold to rise as stock market indexes fall.” I followed that up on the 24th of April saying, “Sometime in the next few days or so the market is going to crash.”

That was all based on my reading of the DSI supported by articles in major financial media talking about how inflation was dead and the stock market was going to go up forever. The S&P topped four days after my piece and the Nasdaq topped three days after my piece came out. Given the action of May 7 in both indexes, I am going to claim another bull’s eye on 25 different commodities in total doing turns just as I predicted.

Jake Bernstein has another deal on the DSI Index . This time get a year at a $1000 discount. It’s a good deal. You can make the same predictions I have made yourself. And if you really want to add value to your investments, consider springing for $12.99 to buy one of the highest rated books I have ever seen on Amazon. I just happened to have written it and if you only read the reviews, you will buy the book.

I don’t get anything out of this other than he has comped me the service for the last couple of years. If you don’t find it one of the most valuable tools you have ever been handed after you use it for some time, write to me and I will patiently listen to you whine and I will pat your back for you.


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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