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Buying Dollars for Pennies

Bob Moriarty

Nov 14, 2012

At important market bottoms you can often find companies selling dollar bills for pennies. Someone called me today and wanted me to look at a company he thought was especially cheap. I’d say so, the company has $760,00 cash on hand but at Monday’s prices had a market cap of only $594,183. You can buy dollar bills for $.78.

Revolver has an option of 70% of the Tower Mountain Gold Mine west of Thunder Bay, Ontario. There has been over 24,000 meters of drilling and a resource done in 2006 showed 155,000 ounces in the inferred category. There were 40 holes drill recently that are not in that resource. The company is in the midst of doing an updated 43-101 and it will be out in the next 6 weeks.

I’d say buying dollars for pennies is a pretty good deal and you get free gold with it.

Revolver is not an advertiser, I have not visited the project but I can count.

Revolver Resources
RZ-TSX $.035 (Nov 12, 2012)
17 million shares
Revolver Resources website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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