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Burkina Faso Settles, True Gold Delivers

Bob Moriarty
Nov 2, 2014

The price of True Gold shares has been cut in half since mid-August due to three factors.

(1) The utter carnage in the junior resource sector. But the last of the lemmings seem to have passed by on the way to the cliff. The dump of gold, silver and all resource shares on October 31 has all the markings of capitulation. All things change. The rise off whatever is the bottom should be impressive.

(2) The Africa Ebola scare has worried investors in every African resource stock. But Ouagadougou, the capitol of Burkina Faso, home of True Gold, is some 750 miles from Monrovia, the capitol of Liberia. Of course, Ebola can spread but we are at more risk of Ebola spreading in the US due to our ease of travel than in Burkina Faso.

(3) As of November 1, 2014, the President of Burkina Faso for the past 27 years has stepped down in the face of massive protests. The Chief General of the military, General Honore Traore, has taken over as head of state and called for consultations with all parties in Burkina Faso in order to return to the constitutional process as soon as possible.

True Gold Mining comes under the Oxygen Capital Corporation run by the brilliant Mark O'Dea. My good friend Dwayne Melrose serves as company President. When I first visited the company in 2013 I noted to Dwayne that while their plans called for one heap leach pad, the cost of moving ore around the project might well justify multiple pads and mining operations.

Indeed the company is fast tracking the Kao project to production and adding ounces at the same time. The North Kao deposit was the subject of a recent barn burning press release. With gold at $1250, North Kao adds 312,000 ounces to the overall Kao project with all in costs of $652 an ounce and an IRR of 213%.

North Kao is one of six new deposits found by the True Gold geological team in 2013. North Kao by itself will produce 118,000 ounces of gold per year over a 2.5-year mine life at a capital cost of $17.7 million. In French, that's called El Goodo Dealo.

True Gold Mining is an advertiser though I don't own shares. I am biased. I think the management team and technical team are the best in the business. Do your own due diligence. They aren't going to stay at an $80 million market cap for long.

True Gold Mining 
TGM-V $.20 (Oct 31, 2014)
RVREF-OTCBB 398.8 million shares
True Gold Mining website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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