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Bob Moriarty
Oct 23, 2013

1.5 meters of 5.13 g/t gold
0.5 meters of 20.0 g/t
10.0 meters grading 7.43 g/t gold, including 0.5 meters at 128.0 g/t gold
6.0 meters grading 4.57 g/t gold including 0.5 meters at 49.10 g/t gold
5.0 meters grading 3.41 g/t gold, including 0.5 meters at 18.90 g/t gold
6.0 meters grading 7.05 g/t gold including 1.0 meters grading 26.8 g/t gold
6.0 meters grading 5.05 g/t gold including 0.5 meters grading 43.9 g/t gold
3.0 meters grading 12.42 g/t gold
9.50 meters grading 10.39 g/t gold
4.0 meters grading 15.70 g/t gold
1.0 meters grading 3.19 g/t gold
5.0 meters grading 5.30 g/t gold
1.0 meters grading 17.86 g/t gold including 0.5 meters grading 26.40 g/t gold
1.5 meters grading 8.14 g/t gold including 0.5 meters grading 12.80 g/t gold
6 meters grading 13.19 g/t gold
7.0 meters grading 32.57 g/t gold
1.0 meters grading 174.11 g/t gold, including a 0.5 metre section grading 342.0 g/t gold

Confederation Minerals is earning into a 70% interest in the Newman Todd project of Red Star Gold in the Red Lake greenstone belt in NW Ontario. They earn into a 50% ownership by issuing an additional 150,000 shares and $75,000 payment to Red Star. They have already issued 350,000 shares and $175,000 to Red Star and have completed the $5 million work program. To earn an additional 20% Confederation needs to complete a PEA by November of 2016.

Their drill results are the most boring I have ever read. I could go on with page after boring page. To date, there have been 164 holes drilled. All holes hit mineralization over a 1.8 km strike. 94% hit over 3 grams gold per tonne. 87% intersected 5 g/t gold or higher. 41% have intercepted at least 20 g/t gold or higher. Every hole added ounces to the resource. High grade, high quality ounces near surface in one of the most respected gold camps in the world.

People, this isn’t rocket science. 2+2 really does equal 4. This isn’t in Timbuktu, it’s in the Red Lake District in Canada. This is a company with a $15 million market cap.

Confederation Minerals is an advertiser. I own shares. I am biased. Do your own due diligence.

Confederation Minerals
CFM-V $.235 (Oct 22, 2013)
CNRMF-OTCBB 65.6 million shares
Confederation website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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