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Keith Barron of Aurania Hasn’t Found the Lost Cities. Yet

Bob Moriarty

Jun 24, 2019

Aurania seems to have turned into one of those bad news/good news stories. Keith hasn’t found the Lost Cities Gold mines. Yet. However, his team of crack geologists led by Dr. Richard Spencer may have stumbled across something a lot bigger and more valuable.

They may have discovered the first Kupferschiefer copper/silver deposit found or at least recognized in the Western Hemisphere.

These sediment-hosted systems tend to be very big in lateral extent and rich. Much of the copper for the Bronze Age derived from Kupferschiefer mines in what is now Germany and Poland. Archeological artifacts from smelters and slag heaps indicate production going back as far as 4,000 years ago and written records date from 1199.

The KGHM Polska Miedz mining company in Poland ranks #8 in copper production worldwide and #6 for silver production. They are mining a Kupferschiefer copper/silver project.

(Click on images to enlarge)

These Kupferschiefer deposits were formed in shallow fresh water seas with lower saline rich layers filled with hydrogen sulphides from rotting vegetation that dissolve the copper and silver from a mineral source. When those fluids combine with carbonaceous material in shales and sediments the copper and silver precipitate out of solution as copper oxides.

This is key for Aurania and Ecuador because these deposits tend to be so large. So far Aurania has tracked Kupferschiefer material as long as 22 km and 1 km wide. You can see in the picture above a classic Kupferschiefer material with over $400 rock. It’s oxide copper highly suitable for inexpensive processing with SX-EW techniques.

I would love to see Aurania and Keith Barron discover the Lost Cities and I have no doubt that in time they will. But if they screw up and stumble across a billion dollar copper/silver prospect by accident, well, I’ll take that too.

The good news is that Aurania has a new highly potential target. The bad news is that big projects consume big money. Aurania is going to need to do a financing soon and I think the big boys understand that and are driving the share price down in order to get a lower price in a private placement. Not all sharks are found in oceans.

Aurania is an advertiser. I have participated in two private placements and will participate in more. I am biased, do your own due diligence.

Aurania Resources
ARU-V $2.99 (Jun 21, 2019)

AUIAF-OTCQB 32.9 million shares

Aurania Resources website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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