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The Daily Sentiment Index Just Added a New Brilliant Service

Bob Moriarty

Apr 4, 2022

As soon as I downloaded the DSI numbers from the 8th of March I sat down to write a piece to get it up before trading began on the 9th. I gave the DSI numbers for thirteen different commodities from Gold to the Euro to Wheat. I ended the piece by saying, “To me it suggests the possibility of a turn in all these commodities.”

Take a wild stab at how many of the various commodities turned? I’ll have the answer for you in a minute or so.

I did a similar piece in January of 2018 where I made a similar prediction based on the DSI for eleven different commodities. How many of those commodities turned literally on the same day?

Investing is not rocket science. But there are two different and competing schools of thought. Most prognosticators provide noise. They earn their keep by telling investors what they want to hear. After all, we tend to want to have our fantasies filled. The majority of paid writers are happy to do that for you. A very few provide signal. If you know the difference between signal and noise you can make a lot of money.

At the heart of every successful investment is sentiment. If you can determine what the mob is doing, just do the opposite and you will make a lot of money.

In the two examples above of me predicting market turns based on nothing more than the DSI, I was right on thirteen out of thirteen in March and eleven out of eleven in 2018. I know of no other writer who can make the same claim. Frankly I have never heard of it. And I have kept every piece I have ever written so anyone who cares to throw stones at me is free to do so. I don’t think I know any other writer who has the balls to do the same.

Up until Monday April 4th, 2022, I found the DSI to be the single most valuable tool in my scabbard. As of the 4th I am going to add another weapon that is a lot cheaper and perhaps even more valuable.

I wrote Basic Investing in Resource Stocks in February of 2019 to good reviews. On page forty of a chapter I called The Secret No One Wants You To Know, I posted a chart of the price of silver with a chart of price at the top and the DSI at the bottom. I actually went to Jake Bernstein and asked him to do a chart for me with both on the same page. Here is what he came up with.

(Click on images to enlarge)

Clearly if you knew the DSI you could pick excellent points to either buy or sell silver. The reason is simple. Most people are dumber than bricks and they want to follow the herd. They get more and more bullish as prices go up and are the most bullish right at the time. The weak hands always buy at tops. Likewise as prices decline they tend to be more and more negative on the commodity, no matter what the commodity is. And the weak hands always sell at bottoms.

You can be either the strong hands or you can be the weak hands; it’s all up to you.

On page 41 of the same book I put in a similar chart for gold. Once again the DSI gave clear signals for both tops and for bottoms.

Naturally I have a subscription to the DSI so Jake sent me a blurb about the new service. Here is what he said:

”On April 4, 2022 my new service, Jake Bernstein’s Weekly Sentiment Analysis Video will publish its first issue. This truly incredible report will feature a weekly chart for every actively traded US Futures Market, as well as several European equity and interest rate futures, with my analysis of what the Daily Sentiment Index (DSI) is projecting in terms of highs and lows, potential tops and bottoms, and expected trends.”

Jake has a special price for my readers until the 15th of April at $495 for a year’s subscription. That’s $400 off. If you cannot afford $495 for the single most valuable bit of investment signal you will ever see, you are not an investor, you are one of the weak hands. I don’t mind that at all. I have a lot of strong hands as readers and we will happily take all your money. After all, we are bound to be able to give it a better home than you can.

I do not have a dog in the fight. I do not make a cent off this deal but obviously Jake likes me a lot and will give it to me along with the DSI for free.

Go here to subscribe but do it in the next ten days.


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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