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Arya Goes Green with Lithium, Nickel and Uranium in Saskatchewan

Bob Moriarty

Mar 7, 2023

Someone came to me with an interesting company a few weeks ago. They are in the process of picking up a number of projects all based around Green Energy or gold in Saskatchewan. The company is named Arya Resources (RBZ-V) and is a new company. They need to get a US symbol as soon as they can or they will lose potential investors.

In mid-December of 2022 the company announced an option to pick up 100% of a gold property they call Wedge Lake in Saskatchewan. The project comes with a historic resource of 101,250 ounces of 5.15 g/t Au. That’s not enough to open a mine but the grade and tonnage suggests reasonable potential to expand the resource to the point someone would want to build a mill and mine it. That grade of rock is worth $306 US or $415 CAD in the ground and would certainly be economic.

(Click on images to enlarge)

Arya put out a press release announcing picking up a 20,000 acre block of Spodumene with the potential to host lithium in the Rottenstone domain of Saskatchwan in early February. Other companies have announced similar land packages about 20 km from the Arya project.

Later in February Arya announced an agreement to acquire a 14.4 square km uranium exploration project in the Athabasca region of northern Saskatchewan. The Athabasca Basin is the highest-grade uranium area in the world and produces about 20% of the world’s total production.

I think the company hit the jackpot when they announced doing a deal on the Dunlop Nickel Copper project near La Ronge in central Saskatchewan last week. Like the gold project, the Dunlop nickel property comes with a decent size and grade historic resource of 16 million tonnes of 0.344% nickel and 0.182% copper. Of more interest would be the C Zone that might make a nice starter pit with 1.46% nickel and 0.31% copper. It only has 323,500 tonnes but that would get the mill cranking.

That smaller zone has $381 USD for a tonne of rock in the ground. That would translate to about $520 a tonne in CAD.

The overall resource is lower but still on the edge of being economic at $100 a tonne in USD and $136 a tonne in CAD.

I don’t buy 100% into the Green Energy EV story. There isn’t enough lithium and copper and nickel in the world to go totally green. And it will take a lot of fossil fuel to get those metals out of the ground. But copper and nickel in storage is at near record low quantities so we have to find more mines and get them into production.

Arya is an advertiser and I have bought shares in the open market. I am biased so do your own due diligence. Go to their presentation, it does a good job.

Arya Resources Ltd
RBZ-V $.29 (Mar 6, 2023)
25.4 million shares
Arya Resources website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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