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Rover Seeks Gold in Iron Formation

Bob Moriarty

Feb 26, 2019

A young and newly listed junior with a very interesting gold project near Yellowknife contacted me recently. It’s an interesting company with a historic resource of 85,000 ounces of gold at a grade of 12 g/t, almost $1 million in the bank and a total market cap of under $3 million. They are hard at work doing the groundwork necessary before beginning a drill program.

The company is named Rover Metals (ROVR-V) and they just added their US symbol. The gold is associated with an Archean age iron formation. As Quinton Hennigh has written about in a number of papers, the vast majority of gold on earth comes from Archean age deposits. Gold and iron get along well and you often find them together or nearby. We know that the iron precipitated out of salt water and if that is so, why would gold be any different?

It’s in a target rich environment at Cabin Lake just 110 km northwest of the 7 million ounce Giant Gold Mine in Yellowknife and near an all season road scheduled for completion in 2020.

Rover is one of those microcap stocks that will benefit the most from an ongoing bull market in resources. They have money in the bank, a high grade resource of sorts and a tiny market cap. The projects have some exploration results going back over 70 years but could benefit from modern exploration techniques. The price of shares can go up but it’s pretty hard to see how it can go down. Obviously they need to get drilling and start releasing results but in time that will come.

Rover is an advertiser, I have bought shares in the open market and I am biased. For more information on the company you can view their fact sheet and investor presentation.

Rover Metals Corp.
ROVR-V $.06 (Feb 25, 2019)
ROVMF-OTCBB 47.4 million shares
Rover Metals Website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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