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Ramp Metals Welcomes the New Sheriff to Town

Bob Moriarty

Feb 3, 2025

After all the fireworks of the last two weeks or so due to a new sheriff taking over in the US it would be impossible to write about any resource investment in the US or Canada without spending a few words on the incredible change now taking place in the world. Donald J. Trump is the force on the block. To his great credit he and his team hit the ground running with the execution of a couple of hundred of executive orders leaving his desk as fast as he could sign them.

Some are brilliant and long overdue. Some more of a problem to come to grips with.

When the last Supreme Court Justice was undergoing grilling prior to being approved, she couldn’t define what a woman is. If there was any issue I would want the Supreme Court to be up on, it would be the very real difference between men and women.

Trump shot out of the chute. There are only two sexes.

Well, no shit.

He yanked the $15 million security detail from the deadliest murderer in world history, Anthony Fauci. Ditto for General Milley. The 51 “intelligence professionals” who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop found themselves on the street without the free ride of a security clearance same as Milley. Trump stopped there so far but putting them on trial for treason seems a fair swap for their testimony.

Greenland, Canada and Mexico? Now that’s going to stir up a shit storm. I’ve been to Greenland looking at a mining project. You would have to go to the moon to have higher costs. I don’t see Greenland as a cornucopia of mineral resources. It’s a giant ice cube. Washington DC can’t even run DC. What makes them think they can run Canada or Mexico?


What is victory against either Mexico or Canada going to look like? How long will the American taxpayers put up with still higher prices? This looks a lot like a briar patch that we may not want to jump into.

Sending 30,000 of the worst of the illegal refugees to Gitmo?

I don’t believe anyone actually thought that through.

AI says it cost $164.87 daily to lock a Federal criminal in the pen. That’s just over $60,000 per year. I suspect using the military to do it would probably cost more. And how long do you keep them there? Are we really going to be running a prison at Gitmo sixty years from now for the twenty-year-old rapists and murderers the Biden administration invited into the US? I liked the baseball bat Trump took to the President of Colombia when landing permission was denied. It only took a few swats of the bat for Colombia to wake up and smell the roses. Why should the taxpayers of the US pay for room and board for those criminals? Send them home. If all those countries in Central and South America don’t want to accept the rejects they ejected from their jails and prisons, break out the baseball bat again.

Alternatively see if you can get some kind of group discount on parachutes. After a quick course on how to pull the ripcord, send the bastards home. It’s cheaper. If the training was done well, most of the chutes will probably open.

And ending DEI in the military is perfect timing after the wildfire fiasco in Los Angeles caused entirely by a clutch of clowns hired on the basis of DEI. The across-the-board incompetence shown by all of the government officials associated with the LA fires should be ample proof of the failed policies of DEI.

Welcome aboard sheriff, the town needs cleaning up.

All wealth comes from one of three sources and three sources alone. Doctors, accountants, bus drivers, store clerks are all derivative occupations. Their wages come from someone else who created real wealth.

1. You can grow it. Think about this. You have an ear of white corn that you just love eating. You pop off one kernel and toss it into a small hole. 100 days later you return and pick the corn. To really appreciate the goodness of white corn, you don’t pick the corn and carry it into the kitchen to boil before eating. You drag the boiling water out to your garden, shuck the corn quickly and plunk it into the boiling water. It tastes so good that your little pea brain starts turning and you realize there are hundreds of kernels of corn on that original ear. You could have raised a hundred new corn plants and sold the corn at a profit.

You have just created wealth.        

2. You can manufacture it. You have so many ears of corn that there isn’t enough demand right now to consume all that you have grown. You realize that if you canned the corn or froze it, customers could consume at their leisure. But an ear of corn doesn’t naturally fit into a bag for freezing or a can so you design and build a tool to separate the corn kernels from the cob. Since the hard work was the design, once you have that done you realize perhaps your neighbors could use a corn shucker. You have taken a buck’s worth of plastic and aluminum and created a valuable tool.

You have just created wealth.

3. You can mine it. You are working on a construction project in California building a sawmill early in 1848. You look down into the water and see something that looks like gold. You pick it up and it is gold. Your name is James Marshall and you just became a miner and the guy who started a whole continent movement west.

He just created wealth.

President Trump just took over a country with $37 trillion in debt and another $200 trillion or so in unfunded obligations. For him to succeed on the economic front he needs to reduce government spending, especially government waste such as $1280 paper coffee cups discovered by Elon Musk and he needs someone to create more wealth.

Frankly the US is pretty neat the maximum it can grow. Agriculture is pretty efficient in the US. It’s possible for President Trump to reduce government red tape but the US foundation of wealth was built on a foundation of more good growing land than any country on earth.

Obviously the US has pretty much given away its manufacturing capability to China over the past thirty years and Trump recognizes for America to become great again it must have a strong manufacturing base. He believes tariffs are a solution, I’m not so sure and rebuilding the base is going to take decades of investment and hard work.

So growing things isn’t going to be a solution and manufacturing is going to take decades. What is left?


At the time of the crash in 1929 I’m told the Dow Jones consisted of 29% of shares just for mining. That’s about half a percent now. Red tape, insane tree huggers and simple stupidity has reduced mining from a significant contribution to the US economy to a mere footnote. Mining is going to become a far more important segment of the economy in the future. You cannot create real wealth by shuffling pieces of paper around or creating “money” by generating imaginary numbers and calling them real when you can’t touch them or see them or pretty much use them. Call them by their real moniker, “Electronic Beanie Babies.”

The beauty of reinventing mining in the US also means you are doing the same in Canada. The next company I am going to talk about is a Canadian mining company based in underdeveloped and pretty much ignored Saskatchewan province.

Ramp Metals (RAMP-V) is essentially a new Canadian company with a core project in Saskatchewan. The stock came alive in June of last year when they delivered a blistering 7.5 meter of 73.55 grams per tonne gold with 19.5 g/t Ag at their Ranger target part of their 100% owned Rottenstone project consisting of a 32,715 Ha land package. The company promptly raised $4.9 million in anticipation of an exciting 2025 drill program.

The 2024 drill program consisted of 1080 meters of diamond drilling over a conductive anomaly in four holes at the Ranger portion of the project. The nearby Rogue target some 3 km from Ranger was drilled with three holes totaling 866 meters also showed gold intercepts albeit of lower grade and width but their geological teams suspects the potential for a significant gold system on the property.

Ramp has another highly potential 1200-meter copper conductive anomaly located nearby at the Rush target. Grab samples taken during the 2024 exploration program showed 1.61% copper, 0.79 g/t Au and 113 g/t Ag in different assays.

The company has planned for 3000-5000 meters of drilling in 2025 with drilling beginning in a couple of weeks targeting all three priority targets. With about $4 million the company is well positioned financially to expand the program based on results. They are starting drilling early in the season which means less congestion at the assay labs and a longer exploration program.

Ramp was wise to upgrade to the TSX-V based on their incredible gold discovery from the C exchange but has yet to apply for a US listing. It is vital that they get a US listing soon so they can expand the potential investors. Gold hit a new all-time high last week and one day soon punters will wake up to the incredible opportunity in the junior resource market.

Ramp Metals is an advertiser. I will try to buy some shares in the morning. While they have a high potential for either a major gold or copper discovery, the company is fairly valued today at a $41 million market cap. This would be a great stock to watch and wait patiently for assay results. I am biased so do your own due diligence.

Ramp Metals Inc.
RAMP-V $1.05 (Jan 31, 2025)
41.1 million shares 
Ramp Metals website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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