Laughing in the Face of Fiscal Annihilation
Richard Daughty
...the angriest guy in economics
The Mogambo Guru
Provided as a courtesy of Agora Publishing &
Aug 16, 2007
"But although we are all
in a good mood now, there is nothing funny about the current
collapse of the mortgage derivatives mess that the damned banks
got us into"
The world of economics is suddenly
so unnerving that to get this week's MoGu into an upbeat mood,
I will start off with my new all-purpose joke.
I respond to an idle comment
of yours by asking, "You say the economy is bad (or the
weather is hot, or those pants make your butt look big, or prices
are high, or the derivatives mess dumped on us by the damned
banks with the collusion of a corrupt, criminally clueless Congress
is going to destroy us all)? Say! That reminds me of when I was
playing golf last week; a guy on the adjacent tee hauled off
and whacked the ball off the toe of his driver, see? Well, the
damned ball shot off at an angle, came screaming right at me
at 200 miles per hour and smacked me right in the nuts!"
You then say, "What does
that have to do with the economy?" And I reply, "It
was the first time in three months that I stopped thinking about
the economy
being bad!" Hahahahaha!
If you are going to try this
at home, you will find that it is a lot funnier if everybody
is drunk, especially you, and doubly especially about the thirtieth
time you use the joke ("You say that pollution is bad today?
That reminds me of when I was playing golf last week") and
they unexpectedly go freaking bananas on you - for no reason
at all! - just because they are suddenly "sick to death"
of hearing the same damned joke about how every damned thing
reminds you of playing golf last week.
And then when you ignore them
and tell the joke a few more times, they threaten you with bodily
harm if you ever use that joke again, and even THAT reminds you
of when you were playing golf last week! Hahaha!
So even that is pretty funny,
as you know for a fact that none of them has a concealed weapon
of any kind on them, and none of them has even applied for a
Concealed Weapons Permit, for crying out loud, and yet they are
going to come after a guy with so many permits and so many concealed
armaments that he has trouble just standing up under the weight
of all that firepower? Hahaha! Their limp, wimpy threats ring
laughable in my ears!
But although we are all in
a good mood now, there is nothing funny about the current collapse
of the mortgage derivatives mess that the damned banks got
us into, or a Bloomberg report with the news that "The European
Central Bank, in an unprecedented response to a sudden demand
for cash from banks roiled by the subprime
mortgage collapse in the U.S.," have loaned humongous
amounts of euros "to assuage a credit crunch," as this
whole "mortgage derivatives" thing comes unglued.
The Federal Reserve, also in
a panic, waved its magic wand, too, and created enough money
so as to jam a reported $38
billion of it into the repo market on Friday alone (Barb
at keeps a
link to the repo market, and it shows over $40 billion [Barb's note: $38 billion
+ $2.433 billion seclend]
last Friday), and this puts a huge, whopping, gargantuan amount
of lovely, lovely cash into the hands of people and institutions
who really, really, really needed it, as the ridiculous, insane,
economic monstrosity - created by the horrid Alan Greenspan and
the treacherous Federal Reserve - gets hit with a gigantic Black
Swan/rogue wave event.
Then the Bank of Canada supposedly
saw the European Central Bank creating and then loaning gobs
and gobs of money, and probably afraid that Canadians will be
left holding the bag with all the stinky losses in it, also rushed
to say that it will "provide liquidity'' to support the
financial markets for the purpose of "easing" a now-realized
crunch" that started with the U.S. subprime mortgage
collapse, which is to say (as if I had to say it for the zillionth
time) it really started with the damned slimy banks acting like
the greedy, grubby trash that they are.
And since we are talking about
it, and since everyone knows that I cannot ignore a chance to
heap disrespect on the banks and the whole Federal Reserve system,
I will bellow shrilly that, at the root, it is always the banks
that are the problem, as it is they alone that can create the
insane excesses of money and debt
that can create a big, long boom, which creates the big, long
bust, and now here we are again, facing another bust ("pop!"),
with the same old culprits (the government and the banks) as
we look at the same old economic punishments ("ouch!")
for acting like such irresponsibly corrupt monetary and fiscal
buttheads ("Duh, what?").
Well, scornful poetic imagery
aside, we were talking about how much new money and debt the
central banks of the world created, and the point I was trying
to make is that it may be around $300 billion, all jammed into
the banks in two lousy freaking days!
Aug 15, 2007
Richard Daughty
Provided as a courtesy of Agora Publishing and The
Daily Reckoning
Richard Daughty
is general partner and C.O.O. for Smith Consultant Group, serving
the financial and medical communities, and the writer/publisher
of the Mogambo Guru economic newsletter, an avocational exercise
the better to heap disrespect on those who desperately deserve
it. The Mogambo Guru is quoted frequently in Barron's, The
Daily Reckoning
and other fine publications.
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