The Forever War Dec 2024
Last 10 Jan25 Dec24 Nov24 Oct24 Sep24 Aug24 Jul24 Jun24 May24 Apr24 Mar24
01/01/2025 The Moral Bankruptcy of the West JM 12/31/2024 Israeli army sets fire to north Gaza's last functioning hospital TC 12/30/2024 US-Funded Group Removes Report Warning of Famine in North Gaza After Complaint From US Ambassador AW 12/29/2024 'Flop': Proponents of the F-35 can't tell you that it works RS 12/28/2024 Israeli army sets fire to north Gaza's last functioning hospital TC 12/27/2024 Israel Has Turned Jabalia Refugee Camp Into a ‘Ghost Town’ AW 12/26/2024 Gaza official says Israel strikes on hospital ‘terrifying’ ArabNews 12/24/2024 Washington Deploys Proxies to Xinjiang to Scuttle China's Giant Infrastructure Project UNZ 12/23/2024 HRW: Israel Is Committing Crime of Extermination and Acts of Genocide AW 12/22/2024 Iran: America’s Next War Of Choice TAC 12/21/2024 'No Civilians. Everyone's a Terrorist': IDF Soldiers Expose Arbitrary Killings and Rampant Lawlessness in Gaza's Netzarim Corridor Haaretz 12/20/2024 The Business of America: War, War, War! LI 12/19/2024 The Hypocrisy of Bombing Iran AW 12/18/2024 US Government denies FOIA request for sealed USS Liberty records. 57 year old files to remain classified CWR 12/17/2024 Has Bibi Achieved His Dream of Obliterating the Arab World? UNZ 12/16/2024 Thinking About Collapse TheZMan 12/15/2024 ‘As much and as quickly as possible’: Israeli settlers eye land in Syria, Lebanon 972mag 12/14/2024 Israel Owns Syria's Military: Netanyahu Claims Golan Heights Forever and Destroys Syria's Military Might in Two Days TDD 12/13/2024 Israeli soldiers systematically abusing Palestinians in Hebron, report reveals 972mag 12/12/2024 Israeli historian produces vast database of war crimes in Gaza MEE 12/11/2024 Fear and Loathing in Syria and no, you are not stupid TW 12/10/2024 Trump’s Mixed Feelings Team AW 12/09/2024 Death march from Beit Lahia DSN 12/08/2024 Israeli Strike in Lebanon Injures Five as Ceasefire Violations Continue AW 12/07/2024 America’s ‘Greatest Ally’ Cost US Taxpayers $310 Billion AW 12/06/2024 China Sanctions 13 US Companies in Response to Weapons Sales to Taiwan AW 12/05/2024 West Bank: Israeli army violently storms Turkish hospital and detains doctors MEE 12/04/2024 For Bibi, the Road to Tehran Goes Through Damascus UNZ 12/03/2024 When Is A Ceasefire Not A Ceasefire? UNZ 12/02/2024 Israel Is Carrying Out a War on Hospitals Jacobin 12/01/2024 Northern Gaza: 130,000 Children Deprived of Food and Medicine Under Israeli Siege AW
Last 10 Jan25 Dec24 Nov24 Oct24 Sep24 Aug24 Jul24 Jun24 May24 Apr24 Mar24
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