The Forever War Apr 2024
Last 10 Jan25 Dec24 Nov24 Oct24 Sep24 Aug24 Jul24 Jun24 May24 Apr24 Mar24
05/01/2024 The Interlocking of Strategic Paradigms SC 04/30/2024 Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America AH 04/29/2024 Students Are Taking the Lead in Denouncing Gaza Atrocities UNZ 04/28/2024 Here's Why Israel Will Lose a Shootout with Iran UNZ 04/27/2024 Chilling evidence of Israeli war crimes unearthed in Gaza's mass graves TC 04/26/2024 War on Gaza: Why Israel's savagery is a sign of its impending defeat MEE 04/25/2024 Palestinians warn of a Jewish and Christian Zionist plot to threaten Al-Aqsa Mosque, starting with a red heifer from Texas Mondoweiss 04/24/2024 In Service of Western Supremacy – Why Germany Provides Unwavering Support to Israel ICH 04/23/2024 Here's Why Israel Will Lose a Shootout with Iran UNZ 04/22/2024 The Second Round of Retaliation Between Israel and Iran Has Just Begun UNZ 04/21/2024 Blinken Is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings or Rapes ProPublica 04/20/2024 Israel Has Been DEFEATED. A Total Defeat - Israeli Newspaper's Shocking Admission YT 04/19/2024 Israel's Bombing Attack and Iran's Deterrence Response AH 04/18/2024 Israel's defence against Iran attack overnight 'likely cost over $1bn' MEE 04/17/2024 Saying What Can’t Be Said: Israel Has Been Defeated – a Total Defeat ICH 04/16/2024 Russia and China Sketch the Future as the World Awaits Iran’s Next Move UNZ 04/15/2024 ‘Come out, you animals’: how the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital happened ICH 04/14/2024 Israeli Milestones: From Six-Day Victory to Six-Month Failure AW 04/13/2024 Israel’s Other Defeat CN 04/12/2024 Will Paris '24 Be the Genocidal Olympics? AH 04/11/2024 The Inmates Are Running the American Foreign Policy Asylum LR 04/10/2024 Language in the War on Gaza AW 04/09/2024 For the defenders of Israel’s war on Gaza, the game is up ICH 04/08/2024 Doctor at Israeli Field Hospital for Detained Gazans: 'We Are All Complicit in Breaking the Law' Haaretz 04/07/2024 America’s Disregard for Law and Life AW 04/06/2024 Historically Ignorant Israelis Are Easy Prey for Propagandists ICH 04/05/2024 The 'we win, they lose' mentality is alive and well in Northern Europe RS 04/04/2024 The Transformation of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs UNZ 04/03/2024 A Genocide Foretold ICH 04/02/2024 This Easter, Gaza's Christian community is on the brink of extinction NA 04/01/2024 Israeli soldiers shoot and kill two unarmed Palestinian men in Gaza: Video AJ
Last 10 Jan25 Dec24 Nov24 Oct24 Sep24 Aug24 Jul24 Jun24 May24 Apr24 Mar24
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