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The Stealth-Bomber Currency

Alex Wallenwein
January 12, 2004

As reported in the European online magazine, "EUobserver," Robert A. Mundell, widely regarded as the 'father of the euro,' appears to be feeling his oats and seems desirous of spawning additional offspring - click. Unfortunately for him, the global currency he is calling for already exists - and is itself old enough to be his great-great-granddaddy and beyond.

The only problem: this "old" global currency affords central bankers (or academic planners who would be God) little if any "control" (speak: ability to manipulate monetary aggregates and direct the international flow of capital at their whim). And, unfortunately for us all, anything that denies this control to central bankers/planners is simply anathema, and we aren't supposed to even think about it.

If the proponents of global currencies were "globalists" in the truest sense of the word (wishing for nothing but international peace, growth, and stability), they would see that a commodity money that is universally accepted, universally desired, always uniform in weight and density, malleable, infinitely divisible, and compact, is the very best tool for ushering in a new period of open international trade, international peace, and mutual benefit between nations - as history has already shown. And that is especially true with the advent of e-metal currencies.

However, these proponents have a different agenda. They want whatever monetary system they spawn to give them the power to direct the progress of civilization itself.

It's called social engineering - to the nth degree.

As long as the masses truly don't mind being "engineered" in this way, I suppose that's okay. But unfortunately, the masses have never been informed of the full extent in which their social environment is being shaped from above - nor were they ever told what the planners want that environment to look like in the end. I also suspect there are "masses" of Americans who will violently object to the inevitable loss of sovereignty - and of their Constitution - that such a global designer-currency would cause.

A commodity money, like gold, fulfills all of the functions of a global currency perfectly - without even trying. It functions much like a glider plane: eminently stable in the air and capable of completing its path with little if any human input - and it leaves national sovereignties fully intact..

But a global currency of the kind envisioned by Mr. Mundell, however, functions rather like a modern stealth-bomber.

Because of its awkward and contrived design, and its resulting violation of virtually every single law of aerodynamics, the stealth-bomber requires constant corrections and adjustments to its flight position by sophisticated computers. If its computer system along with double-redundant back-ups should ever fail, it would crash immediately.

It is the same with any modern fiat system: without constant supervision and "fine-tuning" by monetary authorities, (in short, without their constant overt and covert finagling) those systems would crash instantaneously. The only real advantage they carry is that they give their wielders the power to reshape human society in their own image - without humanity ever fully realizing what is happening to it.

In all fairness, it must be said that Mundell understands gold as few others do. He fully appreciates the role gold played during the days of the gold standard, and even angles for "a role" for gold in his concept of a global currency. What's more, he wants to name his new brainchild "Intor" - borrowed from the words "International" and "Or" - the French word for gold. But at no point does he make an argument that gold (and silver) themselves could be used as money again. At no point does he argue against a discontinuation of this disastrous experiment in money-creation that we call fractional reserve banking.

Mundell is the originator of a concept called "optimum currency areas" - of which the euro is the first viable exponent. He is planning for two more such "optimum" areas (the US/western hemisphere and Asia) which he later wants to morph into one single, world-wide currency system.

Any global currency other than physical gold/silver (and maybe copper) will develop along the lines of the euro: a currency union based on first economic and then progressive political union which eliminates national borders and national sovereignty.

Maybe some would dream of a world without borders, where nations capable of fighting wars against each other will no longer exist. But all one has to do to recognize the notion  of "world peace" under a one-world system for the chimera it truly is, is to understand this one fact: Right now, if you ever find the policies, laws, ideology, or rulers of one country oppressive, you can escape to another one that provides more freedom.

Once the world is "unified," there is no more escape!

The power of any central world government will be absolute - and because man remains sinful and corruptible, is bound to turn absolutely tyrannical.

Power corrupts - and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

This truism of human nature will not disappear just because we will have created what some would consider an "ideal world."

Any world-currency system short of actual bimetallism or trimetallism requires a breakdown of borders and sovereignty. Such a system would be inherently unstable and would require the constant supervision and "fine-tuning" of a supranational authority - and such an authority simply cannot function among nations with fully intact borders.

Like the stealth-bomber, a global currency of the kind Mundell and his ilk propose is primarily designed - not to be inherently stable in its operation, but to avoid detection of its true aims - until it is ready to drop its payload.

That "payload" is the planned political world union. The result is tyranny - and the total destruction of individual freedom.

Your freedom!

Got gold?

Alex Wallenwein
Editor, Publisher

January 10, 2004

Alex Wallenwein writes the Euro vs Dollar Currency War Monitor. He is helping thousands avoid the pitfalls of dollar-asset investing in a falling-dollar world, exposing how 'euro vs dollar' secretly shapes world finance, economics, politics - and your pocketbook. To sign up for the Monitor, please click here.
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