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The Death of Banking and Macro Politics

Hans Schicht
February 9, 2005

An Obituary to "The Death of Gold" and "The Death of Inflation" which were written some years ago by Kenneth Gooding of the Financial Times, London.

Democracy thrives on personal liberty and on broad-based prosperity, which in turn depends on a healthy financial system. And finances are healthy when the money belongs to the people.

So when we see the red lights flashing with world finance running amok, discipline out of the door, laws ignored and financial wildcatting the rule, and people and government in need of ever more credit, it is a sure sign that prosperity and civilization are being threatened.

The pundits are talking of a return to a gold standard, a new Bretton Woods agreement, even of a one-world currency. But none of these proposals gets to the bottom of the problem and none will suffice to prevent financial collapse. The reason is simple: the whole of present day finance rests on erroneous, unlawful fundamentals.

When we take all the country's assets holding monetary value in a basket together and at the same time have Bankers around, that acquired by deceit, the exclusive right to issue additionally phantom assets in the form of fiat paper money and fiat credit, then the original asset holders will lose out. The new phantom assets automatically will become part of the original basket, where they can freely be used by the issuer to acquire what ever of the baskets original assets. It does not matter that the phantom assets will be loaned out to third parties at first. In due time all newly issued phantom assets are destined to flow back to the "owner- issuer." In short: the issuer of additional assets, the Banker, can raid the people's general kitty, as he pleases, for nothing. And what counts at home also counts for the investment raids into foreign countries! with phantom credit. The New World Order wants open frontiers for international finance, but that is the same as asking the house owner to leave the doors unlocked for the burglar to have easy access. It would be quiet another matter if loans would be executed by effectively transferring gold and silver to the borrower! But that would not be in the Banker's interest.

To short:

Any permission given to the Banker to issue monetary paper or forms of credit additional to the original basket is an authorization to steal, and should therefore be stamped unconstitutional.

The fact that the Banker is allowed to extend credit several times his own capital base and that the Banking Cartels, the Central Banks, are licensed to issue fresh paper money in exchange for treasury paper, have provided them with free lunch for eternity. Thanks to the stupidity and corruption of the legislators. And thanks to the great pundits and journalists, that never understood the crux of fiat money and thus never managed to explain the blatant, ongoing legalized robbery of the people by means of the financial fiat system!

For over 150 years this robbery has been going on, recently increasing hyperbolically and building to an ultimate crisis. Year after year the Banker's slice of the world's asset baskets has been growing and growing. The Banker has become almighty. Through a network of anonymous financial spider webbing only a handful of global King Bankers own and control it all. Big Brother has come to us in the striped suit of the Banker.

Everybody, people, enterprise, State and foreign countries, all have become slaves chained to the Banker's credit ropes. And on top of being robbed, all slaves are "dutifully" paying their "legal" tribute in the form of interest to the same Banker, who is continuing stealing their assets. If prime ministers and presidents would only be blessed with the most basic knowledge of the perversity of banking, they would not go onto their knees to the Central Banker and ask His Highness for loans, loan extensions or plead not to increase interest rates! With a little bit of brains they would expropriate all banking institutions, abolish the Central Banks and put the Bankers themselves right into jail. Expropriation would bring enough money into the national treasuries for the people not to have to pay taxes for years to come. All confiscated assets should be put in a common trust. Spare us however from the government ever nationalizing the banks and take over their vile practices instead of expropriating them.

Modern fiat banking has developed into an instrument of usurpation and people control. Banking has become a form of government, "bankdoms," like we speak of kingdoms, republics, dictatorships, democracies or clerical theocracies. Only that fiat banking system is much more efficient, subtle, refined and enslaving and can be computerized. I consider the United States as the leading "Bankdom," under the auspices of the King Bankers behind the Federal Reserve, followed by Japan, England, Australia, Canada and South Africa respectively. The latter controlled by the Anglo-the Beers financial empire. The European Central Bank will make sure that also the European Union is going to become a Bankdom in time. Under Putin Russia might have stemmed the Banker's advances at least for the time being. China on the other side looks like having abandoned the old communistic physical controls and opted for the organizational and controlling advantages of fiat banking. But in China's case, married to communist dogma! Argentina is wriggling and trying to escape the Banker's clutches at no avail. Whereas both Brazil and Mexico are! in the process of subtly being converted.

How can there be talk of teaching the world democracy by diplomacy or if not by military force, when at home citizens and government are enslaved and chained to ever growing debts? Where elections have become a foregone affair with the billions spent by the Media and where third parties have not a chance? Where every dollar received or spent is controlled by the Banker and his IRS? And overseas, where the New York Banker is making the whole world America's enemy, enslaving the people into deeper and deeper debt? Drug pushing or credit pushing, what is the difference?

Monetary reform alone, in whatever form, will not suffice to bring world finance back on an even keel. Whatever revamped fiat paper or credit system, it will be doomed from the beginning, as it will only feed the parasites. Fiat and credit must be abolished in order to achieve stable finances. People should learn to live with the discipline of a fixed volume of money holding intrinsic value, like gold and silver, where no human interference is possible. Purely reinstating gold and silver without abolishing all fiat and debt banking will not do. It is fundamental that nobody gets a free ride and parasites on the common wealth of the people. What I am asking for is a 180 degree turn in economics and finance.

Growth should solely be financed out of profits. Debt and credit laundering should be punishable by law. The belief that economies need monetary expansion to grow is a misconception. The money already in circulation can do the job alone. Automatically premiums will appear for the sought after assets, products and jobs. And discounts will appear for products, services and assets less wanted. When markets are guaranteed free, then automatically the money will flow where it will be most needed. When the economy grows, money will increase in value and so will assets, products and salaries, but the relative internal balance will not change. The free market price adjustment mechanism will be more than able to cope. All will be well as long as there is no threat of human interference and the law is adhered to. Another misconception is that society can not do without banks. The only banking services which might still be needed would be the basic services the banks started out with when gold and silver still where the only money around, or custody, transfer and settlement services, but then only where automation and electronics might fall short.

Additionally, an end should by made to anonymity in business and spider webbing. Glasnost is needed. Shares should held by private persons only and no company should be allowed to hold participations in other companies. Who owns whom should be transparent to the world.

It all sounds utopist, and the chance of it happening the peaceful way is minute, but it is the only way real democracy might get a chance again. If the present system is not reversed, people will get ever more enslaved in debt and the Banker will become richer still. 'Til one certain day a revolt will brake, so bloody and violent, that the storming of the Bastille and the guillotine will be non-events in comparison. The rise of world wide terrorism, the protests against the World Economic Forum, the World Bank the IMF and Globalization are but early signs of things to come. People are not so much interested in ballot boxes to vote for the corrupt politicians, that put democracy aside as soon as elected. No, people want to hold and manage their money, real money, and hold their destiny in their own hands. The! y do not want to be pushed around, slaved and screwed by nobody, let alone by the Banker.

Alas, how far has the Banker not already uprooted peoples' lives and still goes on pursuing financial aggression. In Mexico, within his first two years in office, Coca Cola Fox has seen to it that the majority of the Mexican Banks have come under foreign ownership, as promised to his sponsors, and seen to it that shorting shares has become "legalized," ready to raid the markets. In Argentina, all of last year's protests have not succeeded in closing down a single of the hundreds of parasitic banks sucking the country dry. In Brazil the demise of the Banco Safra, has as good as obliterated the "street" gold market and paper is now the only game in town. And all over Latin America Visa and Master Card are on the offensive. The Banker is marching on

Besides his global banking empire, the New York Banker pulls the strings as well in Washington as well as in the Pentagon, the cartel of his defense industries. Never will he cede his riches and power without a fight. Not a fight he participates in personally in the public eye, but a fight he orchestrates from behind the scenes by manipulating the world's most powerful nation and its resources. With his control of the Media, the people mislead, with 185 American military bases around the globe, unilateral military interventions and with the military above the law, it all bodes ill for the peace of the world!

On the one side there is the Banker who does not give an inch and on the other side there is the growing anger of uprooted people.

A currency is only as strong as the power behind it and the Banker knows it. Afghanistan and Iraq are not turning out as expected. America's hold over Latin America is weakening. Venezuela has invited the Chinese to participate in developing its resources. Brazil and Argentina signed deals with China and Russia. So has Iran. The dollar is weakening. The world's perception of the Pentagon's almightiness is fading. Its ultra-sophisticated, expensive armaments are showing up as obsolete and ineffective against the cheap, simple and easy to acquire military hardware the Afghani and Iraqi resistance and the terrorists are using.

Where in its final days the Roman Empire had no enemies of size, the United States is not as privileged. America does not rule any longer supreme without equals. Under Putin Russia has recoiled strongly, its nuclear strike capability revamped, military rejuvenated. Reborn China is flexing its muscles. A nuclear power in its own right, with the world's biggest army. Europe and Japan, although deprived of military teeth, are economic giants equal the United States.

With Iraq turning into a quagmire worse than Vietnam, the super power image is wearing off and bluff and jaw-boning are losing their power, The only backing left for the dollar resides in America's overwhelming nuclear capability. And it might not be far fetched that America, pushed into a corner, could very well be tempted to resort to nuclear power.

However, even taking the recent contrarian developments into consideration, we should not underestimate the (still) formidable strength of the New York Banker and his dollar. The greater part of the world's reserves are in dollars. Most settlements at the IMF, BIS and World Bank are cleared on a dollar base. Nearly all the world's commodities are traded in dollars, from oil to minerals and metals, to soft commodities, not to forget the gold and the silver! Currency and interest arbitrage are done on a dollar base. Most international contracts are dollar based. The days of gold clauses are long gone. All the world's dollar transactions are passing through New York! Then there are the New York investment markets where besides the US shares and ! bonds also many foreign papers are quoted and traded. It gives New York an unique control of the world's finances, through its transfer and settlement facilities, arbitrage, investment banking, forward trading, shorting, options, risk covering and whatever kinds of derivatives, New York (still) controls it all.

One ancient Greek mathematician once said: give me a long and strong enough lever and I will move the Universe. So today New York says: give me a long enough line of derivatives and I will move the world's finances and markets at will. But all this will only work as long as America itself is still viewed as strong, and as long as bluff still works and nobody asks for the "beef."

But New York is not any longer in absolute control. Russia, China, Europe and Japan, each of them, now also got a grip on the lever. All trying to pull the lever into their direction, secure their own interests and make sure that they will get their share of the quickly dwindling treasures of the world, the exploding world population craves for. They all have pulled their vital interests in finance, energy, raw materials and logistics together on macro-scale. Currencies, copper, wheat, oil, interest rates, gold, all have become interrelated under their respective geo-political central commands. The world has become a full house running rap! idly out of resources and the main players are taking their steps for survival. Each of the players is holding his cards close to his chest. Power politics on the highest level and polarization have become the name of the game. No more individual players in industry, business, or commerce, no more raw materials, oil, metals and minerals, soft commodities moving on their own account, but all integrated with global power interests making and braking markets through financial directives and manipulation. Today's markets have lost their natural offer and demand patterns and are but governed by integrated macro political interests. Forget about graphs and statistics. Forget about daily movements, averages and trends. But look at the political developments and events.

Macro managing does not work out gradually, but is played till the end, when underlying stocks or assets suddenly run out, the lever does not work any longer and reality finally bursts forward. And when one lever succumbs it will take all the other levers simultaneously with it. It is all going to happen at once, in one big crisis, with the pre-condition that no major war breaks out earlier. Watch the US long bond. And what gold concerns I remember what my grandfather said: "gold goes down before war breaks out."

January 31st 2005
Hans Schicht


To understand my way of analyzing events I wish to say, that more still than delving in the fundamentals of finance and economics, my thoughts are with the mysteries of the structure of the Universe, where I arrived, I must confess, at heretic conclusions, think about it:

Time is the crux of everything. Our earth years should be counted as light years as they project in time-distance. Like: the Dinosaurs lived till 60 million light years ago. Besides Einstein's relative time there exists after all also absolute time, Ta, which propels everything in the cosmos into the future with the speed of light and which is the Primary Force of the Universe. Light only piggy-backs on absolute time. We can replace E=Mc2 with E=MTa2 now presenting the Universe. Where E is the Force of time, or first dimension. Where Ta2 is the infinite Flatland Continuum or the second dimension, we cannot see. Floating on top of and born out off Flatland our grainy, scattered galactic island worlds, the MTa2-s. There are no further dimensions. Meanwhile, the red shift does not mean that the cosmos is expanding. Red shift is not space dependent, but time dependent. When we look back into the cosmos we look back in time. In our eyes, the objects observed will have traveled less distance into the future then our earth since whatever cosmic event of the past. Thus relatively we are traveling faster into the future, thus the red shift Doppler effect. Without an expanding cosmos, the Big Bang never happened and the Intelligent Steady State Universe of Fred Hoyle is re-instated. Black Holes are nothing else than third dimensional matter dissipating back into Flatland. It is a vibrant, living and all embracing Universe, directed and propelled by the "Force," we all and everything are part of, and not a geographically dead Universe with three dimensions and time a fourth dimension where life is like a needle in a haystack. Our souls are like Black Holes, linking us to the vibrant, intelligent and infinite Flatland Mother Matrix. And being part of it all, we better live as Greater Nature wants us. Growth has to come from the bottom up, from grassroots. The gold and the silver provided for by Greater Nature should be our money. And parasitic cancers, like the Banks, must be cut out.
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