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Featured on the Korelin Economics Report:

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas Discusses His Political Future with Jay Taylor and Al Korelin

Courtesy of Korelin Economics Report
Jan 19, 2007

The overriding philosophy behind our radio program, "The Korelin Economics Report", has been to look at all sides of economic issues in order that our listeners can make up their own minds on financial questions of the day.

We are enlarging that to include political topics as well. We have enlisted the help of a good friend, Jay Taylor. Jay is a former banker who has been writing a successful financial newsletter since 1982. I have known Jay for about ten years, and I can tell you he is one of the most principled individuals I have ever met. He serves his subscribers well in a manner that is both hard working and forthright and I am proud to call him my friend.

About four years ago, Jay introduced me to Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. I spent a bit of time with the Congressman when I was in Washington D.C. last year and then again in San Francisco, where I introduced him as a keynote speaker at the Hard Assets Investment Conference sponsored by International Investment Conferences.

Jay and I both agree that Congressman Paul is "spot on" in his views regarding government. We believe that he is honest and has the best interest not only of his own constituents at heart but the best interest of all Americans who greatly value individual freedom. He has declared himself a candidate in the 2008 election for President of the United States.

Jay, Paul Warren, Sarah, Ian and I are honored to be able to present, on a regular and timely basis, Congressman Paul's views on our website ( We will be speaking with him on a regular basis and listeners will be able to hear every word that he has to say. We are also posting all pertinent information that is distributed from his office on the site.

Congressman Paul is a staunch advocate of asset based currencies and he shares these views regularly with his constituents in Washington D.C. The Congressman is on record as stating that he believes in the following "FREEDOM PRINCIPALS":

  • Rights belong to individuals, not groups.
  • Property should be owned by people, not government.
  • All voluntary associations should be permissible - economic and social.
  • The government's monetary role is to maintain the integrity of the monetary unit, not participate in fraud.
  • Government exists to protect liberty, not to redistribute wealth or to grant special privileges.
  • The lives and actions of people are their own responsibility, not the government's.

Listen to each discussion, read the material and then come to your own conclusion. This information is for all of you who are looking for new and refreshing views from one of the elected officials of the United States government who really cares who really cares about upholding the Constitution as the Founding Fathers drew it up.

To listen to everything that Congressman Paul has to say on this and other issues simply go to our website, and click on his picture.

[Editor's note: Direct link here.]

Rep. Ron Paul's website.
