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Ship of Fools

Greg McCoach
Oct 2, 2008

Watching the parade of government officials plead their desperate case before congress and the American people the past two weeks was very enlightening for me. These were all the same people who for the past few years have been telling us time and time again that all was well and not to worry. They were able to convince the masses, with the help of the media, that our dollar was strong, our economy financially sound, and that Wall Street was the envy of the world.

Those of us who were sounding the warning bells regarding those fantasies were largely ignored and written off by the masses, media and government shysters as "gloom and doomers." I have never looked at myself as such and have always been what I would call a 'truth seeker." I just want to know the truth, so I can make the best possible decisions for myself, my family, my friends, and subscribers. Without the truth in my opinion, you are simply being led as a sheep to the slaughter. Thus the great effort I make in trying to ascertain truth and share it with as many people who will listen.

How anyone at this point can give even the slightest degree of credibility to these vermin in the media and government is beyond me, but I guess people just want to believe, rather than look at the facts. Did you notice how the media did not let you hear or see the speeches of those Congressmen who were against the bailout? You only got to see those who were for the bailout. Hmmm? Would you say this is slightly misleading to convince you to support the bailout? Why is that you should ask? And how about all those protesters in the streets of New York near Wall Street who were marching against the bailout. The media didn't touch that one with a ten foot pole. The only place you could see that was on You Tube, a good source for discerning the rest of the story.

Personally, I have to admit I am torn by the prospects of the bailout. Part of me feels that it would be good to get the bailout because I don't feel totally prepared and would like to have more time, if it is even possible that the bailout could buy us more time. There are big questions in my mind that the bailout will do anything but possibly postpone the inevitable for another few weeks or months.

Then I look at what will happen to the stock markets (including our juniors) if we don't get a bailout. It could be just awful for all the markets, but I feel this is going to come one way or another regardless of whether we fork over the $700 billion or not. In reality it will be much more than that number when you factor in the $1.2 trillion of new funny money the Fed has pumped into the system in the past week. And if any one is deceived into thinking that these monies will solve the problems on Wall Street, you need to do a lot more due diligence!

There is no possible way we can bail ourselves out of the mess Wall Street has created. The amount of cross faulting derivatives is simply too great. Even if we do the bailout now, the next wave of failing institutions will bring Bernanke and Paulson on bended knee once again to Congress to ask for an even greater amount. How about $5 trillion, or $25 trillion? It still won't be enough.

It is only a matter of time before the whole enchilada collapses. All roads lead to the greatest depression of all time. Just as the Fed was directly responsible for creating the stock market crash in 1929 and the ensuing depression, so to will they be responsible this time for the greatest depression the world has ever known. All of this Fed and government intervening in markets has made things worse not better. In the end we should have been dealing with our consequences years or decades ago instead of postponing ourselves into our current position. The consequences of decades of abuse of our system of credit are here, and there is going to be pain and suffering. The sooner we can get on with it, the sooner we can work through it and make the necessary changes to never put ourselves in this position again. It's a shame really, our founding fathers taught us how to avoid this; we just stopped listening to their wise guidance, and thought we knew better. Oh well!

The other part of me is totally against the concept of a bailout, as it rewards bad behavior and bails out the corrupt, morally reprehensible people who put us into this situation. We should just let them fail and reap the consequences for their utter stupidity. I loved the quote by Jim Sinclair when he described these so called Wall Street hot shots for what they have really done. Jim said:

"Thank all the Wall Street con-artists for the total planetary destruction caused by OTC derivatives. They are all guilty of murder one."

The thought of helping these financial pukes is so disgusting to me I want to start a revolt right now. It would be nice to start seeing the people who ran these institutions being led off in handcuffs on the news for lengthy jail sentences. One can only hope!

The other part of this that has me twisted up in knots is that the Federal Reserve is so arrogant using such scare tactics to force us into giving them a blank check to do whatever the hell they want with the money. That is what Paulson desires and I am glad to know that there are some thinking Congressman that believe we need to restructure this pig to make sure we are not totally raped and pillaged by the Fed monsters. They must be laughing at us that they can just pull the wool over our eyes so easily.

This brings me to another point about the need for Americans to realize that before we can ever get back to a sound system of finance and economics, we need to cut the head of the beast off. The beast in our land is the Federal Reserve. As I try to help others understand this truth, I am surprised at how much resistance I get. The Fed is no more Federal than Federal Express. It is controlled with fractional stock ownership by large banks and foreign individuals and institutions.

We need to abolish the Federal Reserve if we are ever to get our country back. The Fed was created and signed into legislation in 1913 by Woodrow Wilson, who said he was bamboozled into signing it. Once he understood what he had done, he tried to take it back, but it was too late. On his death bed he asked the American people to undo this great evil he had brought upon our country.

In my opinion if the Federal Reserve had not been created, this country would have seen such amazing prosperity the past 95 years that we could have made sure there was not a hungry belly in the entire world. The Federal Reserve has stolen from the America people for 95 years and most Americans do not realize the source of their plight. They want to blame it on politicians, who certainly should get their due for plenty of horrendous decisions over the decades. But in reality, it is the Federal Reserve that must go.

Most Americans think that by electing one of the two new power seeking idiots, Obama or McCain, will make the necessary changes and bring us back to peace and prosperity. Nothing, in my opinion, could be further from the truth. Things will never change in America at this point until we deal with the source of the problem, which is the Federal Reserve. They are ultimately the powers that be. The presidency of the United States is just a puppet position controlled by those who run and own the Federal Reserve.

buy from AmazonIn his book about how the Federal Reserve was created in this country - "The Creature From Jekyll Island" - G. Edward Griffin describes why the Fed always resorts to a bailout. [Editor's note: There are some copies for sale on Amazon.]

In one of the first few chapters of the book you quickly learn why it is all about bailouts and how destructive this activity is for the country. I highly suggest you read this book if you seek understanding and truth.

If the founding fathers could be resurrected and come back to planet earth today, the only friend in Washington they would find is a man named, Ron Paul, who, guess what, wants to abolish the Federal Reserve. But the American people are not smart enough yet to know this is a guy who has their best interests at heart.

In the next few years, as financial pain ripples across our country, hopefully enough Americans will wake up from their apathy and desire a truly better place for their children and their children's children. I for one am willing to fight for that.

Unfortunately, the government media complex has the average citizen so dumbed down with trivial nonsense that they are incapable of understanding what is actually going on. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson all warned that if the American people ever lost track of what was really happening, then it would only be a short time before we lost our liberty and freedoms. This is because the founding fathers believed that government was inherently evil and given time, even the best form of government, which they created, would eventually morph into Fedzilla and destroy those essential liberties and freedoms.

In summary, as I listened to each desperate plea that led to the bailout package vote, it reminded me of the song by Robert Plant (lead singer from the rock band Led Zeppelin) entitled "Ship of Fools." As I remembered the song in my head, I thought to myself, what a ship of fools we have become.

By the end of the week, I'm sure the bailout will be passed, but how much of the money will actually go to where they say it is going to go. This is my biggest contention against a bailout which most likely will have little or no oversight regardless of what they tell us.

All in all, here's hoping we start making better decisions for a long lasting America. While I have no hope politically that anything can be done, I have always believed that people, given the correct or truthful understanding of things, will make the right choices. In the end however, if we are to take this country back from the power mongers who desire its destruction, it always comes back to "WE THE PEOPLE!" If enough people wake up we still may be able to throw out the hoodlums who are running the show and form new government. If not, the constitution of the United States will soon hang by a thread and the ship of fools will sail us into oblivion.

What I have been saying for years now on how to protect yourself from the coming debacle should be crystal clear in your minds. I don't think I need to review anymore.

In our near future, as the government loses control of their ability to manage and prop up markets, gold and silver are going to make moves that will stun the populace. Until then we are going to see extreme volatility.

Since bullion is getting harder and harder to come by, more investors are going to look for the next best alternative, and that will be precious metals mining stocks. When this happens, and in my mind it is not a matter of if it happens, the juniors will begin to make major moves to the upside rewarding those who held fast and were not shaken out.

Gold and silver will once again prove their worth in protecting ones assets from corrupt and immoral government.

For now, hold fast and help others understand the truth so they can prepare! You may find they are more willing to listen.

Greg McCoach
website: The Mining Speculator

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