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"I should have... I could have..."

Frank Lechner
January 16, 2003

It really is about attitude!

How many of you are wishing you would have bought McSoft or Dell on their IPOs? Are you the type that wishes you would have had the foresight to buy Walmart back in 1975-1980? Are you sitting on the fence and waiting for the next great opportunity? It is time to get off the fence and choose as I am here to tell you:

An Opportunity of a Lifetime is Staring At You NOW!

No need to continue crying over the past opportunities you have missed. There is every reason to look forward and quit worrying about the past. The future is Gold and Silver and other things Real. The days of the Nasdaq returning great gains year after year are gone for now. The days of bonds continuing to escalate in price with yields dropping are in the most part behind us.

You must look to the future and divorce the past. This will lead you to the Precious Metals, and that is why you are here reading these articles. You can be one of the very few fortunate investors who have already begun to accumulate precious metal in its many forms, be it stocks, options, or physical products. The chance to get the next Walmart, or the next McSoft is here now.

OK, I hear you, but in what form do I acquire Gold and Silver?

Glad you asked. I would tell anyone who will listen that the most prominent forms are the actual physical product and the stocks within this sector. Let's start with the physical. The opportunity presented to you is the chance to purchase and hold in your hands, 'real' gold and silver. The product is magical. When you grasp a Gold bar or a Silver Eagle, the realization sets in that 5000 years of history has gone before. A part of any portfolio should be in physical gold and silver.

A person can take comfort in the fact that Gold and Silver will always be useful. The acquisition of precious metals will add safety and security to your portfolio, no matter what all the market mavens would have you believe. The world is fraught with dangers at every turn now it seems. Whether it is Venezuela and the revolt of the working people, Iraq and GW's intense desire to atone for the sins of the father, or China increasingly becoming a dominant world trader, the areas of interest for the investor are never ending. On a side note, have you all noticed how these crises seem to occur more and more frequently? That is simply due to the fact that:

Paper is on Fire!

The other possibility for the early precious metal investor is the stocks of mining and exploration companies. I know, I know, but which stocks do I choose? The extended bear market in metals has already bankrupted the companies standing over dry holes. The organizations that are left are the survivors. What this means simply, is that you will have a very hard time going wrong in your choices. With just a little due diligence, a person can develop a plan of investment in stocks of mining companies.

There will come a time, just as there was in the stock market bubble, where many new IPOs are all smoke and mirrors, yet I do not see that for the near future. Remember too, that if you feel you have a lame horse, remove it from your portfolio and move on to a more promising prospect. Let it go, and sleep at night.

My thoughts are that a person must have a nice mix of senior producers, smaller producers, and explorers in their mining stock portfolio. The seniors will provide you with decent growth in value while at the same time provide dividends to the intelligent investor. The smaller producers will offer the possibility of explosive growth providing they have a nice log of properties. The explorers will be where the greatest gains are made.

The vision possessed by a high quality explorer could result in gains of many fold over the entry prices. The opportunity to gain 5X, 10X, or more on your fiat are there. The golden nuggets will be presented to those that have the guts to wade in where others fear to go. The prices currently are so low on these stocks, that even with a couple in your stable who never hit the mother lode, the winners will dwarf those minor losses. This is, of course, for the more risk conscious amongst us. Do not go to an area with which you are not fully cognizant of the realities associated with taking certain postions.

The Point Is, Now Is The Time!

The direction you choose to invest in precious metals is strictly a personal decision. You alone know your risk tolerance, your ability to manage your emotions, and of course your capacity to go in your own direction. Get away from the noise of the city and go for a drive in the country in order that you may truly see. By this I urge you to get away from what the crowds are doing, pick the direction less traveled and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Develop an opinion through reading, and studying the current events. Understand that your time is here. The time to lead instead of follow is presented to you right now. The next Ebay is here in a different form, albeit in the staid old industries of precious metals investing. The pie in the sky ideas are gone, and we are moving back to things 'real.' Are you going to choose your direction, or let others choose it for you? We are all so incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to be here right now and to be understanding the ramifications of our decisions to follow the path of Gold and Silver. The attitude you develop can either be: "I should have... I could have... I wish I would have..." Or it can be:

"I did take advantage of this Golden Gift presented to me!"

What Is Your Attitude Going To Be?

Frank A Lechner
January 16, 2003

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Frank Lechner is an independent business owner and investor who has studied the markets over the past 20 years, dating to the last major bull run in precious metal investments. We had a mini bull market in the early 90's and he believes we are currently in the early stages of a bull market equivalent to the late 70's and early 80's.

This is not meant as investment advice. This is only an opinion. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

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