SKI Report #26
SKI Gold Prediction is Crazy
Jeffrey M. Kern, Ph.D.
Email: jeff@skigoldstocks.com
| historicals
written Sep 22, 2007
Current USERX price = 17.70
UP 25% since the last report 4 weeks ago. What a surge!
Introduction (repeated from prior Reports):
I have been using my unique
SKI indices to predict price changes in the precious metals'
market for more than two decades. And my indices continue to
mark the critical points. I have initiated a subscription website
since 1/13/06 (yes, Friday the 13th) after having posted free
updates for years at the most informative gold site, 321gold,
since its inception approximately six years ago. SKI is a timing
service; although almost everyone seems to believe that market
timing is impossible, that IS what the SKI indices have done
for 32 years.
The SKI indices contain short-term
(16-20 trading days), intermediate-term (35-39 trading days),
and long-term (92-96 trading days) indices. A more comprehensive
description of these mathematical indices and their history is
found at http://www.skigoldstocks.com/about.php.
Basically, the indices compare today's price to prices from a
specified prior time period. The name of the index specifies
the time period (e.g., 92-96 index = compare today's price to
prices from 96, 95, 94, 93, and 92 trading days earlier). Although
I use the oldest gold mutual fund, USERX, for analyses, the predictions
are applicable to the broad precious metals' market. I do not
recommend or analyze specific stocks, but my subscribers from
around the world regularly discuss individual issues on our Forum.
In addition to the truly unique SKI indices, I also use "run
patterns" to guesstimate turning points in the precious
metals' market. A "run" refers to a pattern of daily
up and down market closing prices. If the market has 3 consecutive
days of higher closing prices, the run is "3 up". If
prices then decline for 2 consecutive days, the run becomes "3
up and 2 down". If prices then close higher the next day,
the run changes to "2 down and 1 up". Some people have
referred to run patterns as "worms". A run pattern
is only completed after the direction of closing prices has changed.
I have compiled a listing of every run pattern that has ever
occurred and generated probabilities that the end of the run
marks a high or a low, moderated by the indices themselves.
New Material:
I apologize for this Report
being one week late. My wife experienced severe medical problems
and emergency surgery eight days ago and I had thought that this
Report was due today, but my personal problems would have prevented
me from writing on time even if I had realized that a report
was due a week ago. Thankfully, she has survived and is recovering
well with titanium plates and screws in her "golden"
neck. I also thank readers who cared enough about these SKI
Reports to email me, asking why I had not written in the face
of a powerful one-month surge in the precious metals.
The last
SKI Report on 8/26/07, as per each of these free Updates,
tried to provide solid hints on the SKI System's current view
of the gold stocks and the precious metals market (as if SKI
knows it all NOT). The emboldened, key statements from the last
Special Report were:
1. Another 218-222 index signal
was generated this past Thursday and executed on Friday (8/24/07),
2. I believe that the SKI indices
are once again indicating that a large move is about to begin.
It should be evident within the next 1-7 trading days, but as
usual, I am not allowed to say the direction or the day.
And I concluded that Report
with, "Be safe, best wishes, Jeffski", trying to imply
that safety was important.
That 218-222 index signal marked
a major low. The fifth and sixth trading days after that Report
yielded a large rise in the gold stocks. I had covered my short
position a day after the August 16th low, but Jeff was wrong
(incorrect) even though it may have seemed that the Report had
forecast this past month's surge: Although the 8/24/07 218-222
index signal reported in the last Report DID mark a short-term
high to the day, the short position that was supposed to be established
at that time was stopped out at a loss 1.5 weeks later as prices
surged. I had expected that the week following that Report would
begin the next downtrend into the final bottom, but on Friday
8/31/07, the gold stocks surged unexpectedly and avoided a very
bearish SKI Index signal on the very last day (the indices are
"accurate to a penny and a day"; just as the prior
Report showed how a bullish signal had been avoided on the last
day, leading to the last crash). I lost about 3% of all of my
non-retirement monies and despite the surge of this past month,
I "only" have about a 10% profit to show for this year
(2007) and I did NOT participate in that beautiful rise. But
I've been in cash for all but about 5 weeks of this year (low
risk). SKI has been in cash for most of 2007 and made its money
on its only "true buy signal" at the exact low of 6/26/07.
It is called "conservative patience via a mechanical system
that marks the critical lows and highs".
This isn't good advertising,
but always has integrity and honesty. And this website, 321gold,
is one of the few websites that even allow for the postings of
my sometimes bearish reports. This isn't the standard "professional
sounding" article, it is personal, conservative, and then
is accurate when it provides true signals. SKI missed the low
of June 2006, the low of October 2006, AND the low of August
2007. It has avoided doing much of anything, after making 84%
in the 2005-2006 true bull market, but it did hit that exact
June 2007 low with a true buy. I don't get rich in a week or
a month, but make money each year (unless you do excessive leveraging
and gambling at times when SKI is uncertain). It's never easy
in this most volatile market sector, and the articles that purport
that huge monies are to be made in short periods of time aren't
likely to be accurate. The true SKI buy and sell signals of this
century are provided in the "Free Preview" section
of my website at http://www.skigoldstocks.com/free.php.
SKI has done very well this decade, but certainly has not captured
all of the rises and declines, and doesn't buy/sell every week
or every month. And I am writing with some emotion.
The current situation: The gold stocks have now risen enough
to approach their highs of the century (May 2006) as gold bullion
has slightly exceeded its May 2006 high. I know of several analysts
who are bearish, but every article on this website seems to state
that now is the time to buy and that the great PM rise has finally
been reinvigorated as the dollar (cutely described as "Universal
Toilet Paper" by some of my Forum members) falls to near
its lowest level in history and the U.S. Federal Reserve has
cut rates and effectively abandoned/devalued the dollar. It appears
to be a great time to buy the gold stocks and make some fast
and big money.
The SKI indices show that it
IS possible that a new bull market phase (where prices go higher
and higher over a year and settle at a new higher level) began
on 9/11/07, but the system also indicates that several technical
factors just aren't right. SKI bull markets are marked by
a 92-96 index buy signal that occurs in a specific manner so
that it is "On the System Path". A detailed description
of this pattern is included in the article "About SKI"
at http://www.skigoldstocks.com/about.php.
A true bull requires much more than prices simply moving over
a certain price level. Basically, prices must fall to generate
a 92-96 index sell signal that marks the LOW and then prices
immediately rise enough to generate the true buy signal and the
bull market period begins (ala the bull period beginning on 8/09/05
for SKI).
SKI IS on a 92-96 index buy
signal since 9/12/07 and prices HAVE risen 11% since then, but
if you can follow the last paragraph's description, prices need
to FALL back and sell this initial 92-96 index buy signal and
THEN generate the true buy signal at lower prices. That will
require quite a nice decline from here to set up a true SKI bull
market. I'm trying to prevent you from buying here and now and
I don't care if my subscribers yell at me for "disclosing
too much" because I just can't stand the barrage of purely
bullish articles that are sent to my email and to websites that
state something to the effect of "Buy gold now" after
these stocks and metals have exploded over the past month. And
I can't even tell you that a decline over the next few weeks
(not necessarily the next few days) will yield a true SKI bull
MARKET DEATH RUN PATTERN. It is a rare pattern and I don't know
if it will complete until it does so. The gold stocks have never
held up during a STRONG general stock market decline (despite
erudite articles to the contrary). Furthermore, the gold stocks
experienced the SKI "death run" pattern in May 2006
and the next true bull market phase isn't supposed to begin (has
never begun, since my data base started in 1974) until the SKI
"life run" low (defined only for subscribers; sorry).
I am getting rather vehement here and this may sound like a "diatribe",
but I am willing to put my "golden neck on the surgical
table" (as per my wife) and suggest that if you buy here,
you are very likely to experience some significant pain over
weeks if not longer. If the gold stocks simply skyrocket
for weeks and months at this point, my golden neck deserves to
be surgically removed, but I am stretching it out to offer my
free advice to continue to be SAFE at this time. The SKI system
and I must be "crazy".
I write these Special Reports
in part as a "come-on" to attract new readers. But
I truly write with honesty and sincerity, trying to provide as
much information as possible while maintaining deference to paid
subscribers. But when other analysts write that no one could
have seen X coming, I disagree. There never is 100% certainty
with any prediction system, but at times I profess that the index
certainty approaches 99% (such as the true short to intermediate-term
buy signal generated on 6/26/07 and executed on 6/27/07), and
I am writing to subscribers that Jeff is going 100% long with
leverage. In three weeks, when I write again, it should already
have been more than evident what the direction of this next move
has been (as usual).
If you are interested in following
and learning more about the SKI indices, I'll write another Report
for 321gold in three weeks or you can shell out the big bucks
for a SKI subscription. Weekly Updates are available by subscribing
for a month (or longer if you're wise and cheap enough to want
to save money) at my website www.skigoldstocks.com for
the princely sum of $25 (for a one month subscription) or more
($200 for an annual subscription). I also provide more frequent
intra-week messages/alerts at a slightly higher price along with
access to our informative Forum. The precious metals are in a
very long-term (decade+) up-trend but are the most precarious,
volatile, and psychologically difficult market in the world (in
my opinion). That's the way it's always been.
I still say, "Be safe".
Take that as a contrary indicator if you so desire, since everything
looks so bullish and SKI must be crazy.
Best wishes, Jeff
SKI archives email: jeff@skigoldstocks.com
Jeffrey M. Kern,Ph.D., is an academic psychologist with a specialty in the measurement and prediction of human behavior. The communications provided are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be investment advice or recommendations for specific investment decisions. Dr. Kern is not a registered investment advisor, but is registered as a commodity trading advisor (CTA). The information provided is considered accurate, but cannot be guaranteed. Investments/trading in narrow market segments or gold futures is for individuals willing to accept a higher level of risk for the opportunity of greater returns. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. His website is www.skigoldstocks.com.
Communications should be sent to: jeff@skigoldstocks.com.
Copyright © 2002-2024 Jeffrey Kern. All Rights Reserved.
321gold Ltd
