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My tribute to Occam

Craig Harris
March 20, 2006

Occam's Razor: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

With everything going on lately I've been struggling to explain things to myself and do it in the simplest way possible.

Today I'm going to illustrate how I use Occam's razor principle which I have discussed before.

The fact is, I use that more and more in my trading as the years go by and it keeps working more better and more better.

"We look forward to hearing your vision, so we can more better do our job. That's what I'm telling you." -George W. Bush, Gulfport, Miss., Sept. 20, 2005

In other words, I don't even want to know about the details. Details, schmetails. Corn crop forecast this month... don't care. Schmeetail. I want to know about the one or two important things that are going to drive all other things and that's it. I want to keep it simple. I mean; I may know about the details and read about the details for entertainment... but I'm with Occam. Simple.

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W. Bush-Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000


So, here is how that theory is applied in practice in a real life example.

This weekend I happened to catch the French riots on CNN. As baby cakes was saying goodbye to the CNN reporter in France, she mentioned TIME, France. So that got me thinking.

It got me thinking, why is Time Magazine in France? Is it that Time magazine is so much better than all the other news magazines that it has just crowded out all the other competition? Maybe. That gets to be a complicated thought process though. There are a bunch of assumptions and counter assumptions involved and it just gets to be a big messy polynomial.

So here's an alternative explanation that is simple. It's the Occam's razor explanation.

The USA at this time enjoys the worlds reserve currency... and increasingly, they have been creating so much money (debt) that the guy who is now the head of the US central bank joked openly about dropping it out of helicopters when asked if he was worried about deflation.

Well, as we all watch the US debt balloon soon to nine trillion dollars, we realize that they already ARE dropping it out of helicopters, they just won't admit that and never will. Ever.

"To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle." -- George Orwell, 1946


One of the most basic side effects of this helicopter money drop is that it flows out as it drops... it spreads out... to Time Magazine so it can go to France... for the GAP so it can go to Zimbabwe... for McDonalds so it can go to New Delhi... for Starbucks... so they can go to Brazil... For Chevron so the USS Condoleezza Rice (since renamed because it was embarrassing) can sail the globe. This is all very simple. Simple to think about and simple to understand.

So that's the Occam's razor explanation. The corporations are getting hit with so much helicopter money that they can go everywhere...and they have been doing so... which is why all the corporations love these guys and it is increasingly hard to discern the government from these guys as the former US Army Chief of Staff goes to sit on the board of Northrop Grumman and the Vice President who used to run Halliburton gives out a no bid contract for 385 billion dollars to build detention centers in the US... .which is why they had the merger in the first place... which is why the middle class is evaporating and will continue to do so at an accelerating rate... . and why every man woman and child in the US now owes $30,000 on behalf of the Government... which is why Time Magazine is in France in the first place...they got your $30,000...man this is all so easy... Which is why Lenin said:

"Fascism is capitalism in decay", - Nikolai Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

and also quite coherently why Mussolini said:

"Fascism is the merger between the state and corporations". - Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini

Which is why your expenses are going through the roof and the government says there is no inflation and you wonder why. It's why your neighbor lost his pension but the company is still in business. It's why when you call DELL someone in India picks up the phone and asks "please to be helping you". It's simple.

Whew... glad to get that out in such simple terms. You see, this is all very simple. Simple, simple, simple. Details, schmetails.

"Wow! Brazil is big." -George W. Bush, after being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brasilia, Brazil, Nov. 6, 2005

So maybe that means BUY SHARES... because if these guys are nice and if they don't need another new house, or don't need to give your money to a crony they just fired for fraud... they'll leave some money left over for the shareholders... hopefully. In other words, not like Enron. Enron illustrated the finite limits of fraud and corruption.

You see the thing is... it all clicks for me. The whole puzzle fits together and it makes sense. Keeping it simple makes it also understandable. The best explanation is the simplest one. Follow the money. There are a lot of complicated things going on with simple explanations. Occam explains a lot of things... everything really.

Occam explained to me why Iraq was going to get attacked and I was on the record with that a year before they got attacked and I got a bunch of hate mail saying what an idiot I was for thinking that...

it explained to me why there would ultimately be a civil war and mayhem in Iraq even before the invasion and I'm on the record with that... (took a little hate mail on that one too).

it explained to me why in the future Iraq will be broken up into three separate regions... .

it explained why the cpi will never ever again show sustained inflation

it explained why the market never crashed like I said it wouldn't and it explains why Iran is about to get attacked...

and so on and so on. Occam's Razor - use it. They (you know... them) want to baffle you with the BS and make you feel like a weirdo for using your own god given common sense. I want Occam's truth. Maybe that will be my new religion. I'll turn off news from the ministry of truth and worship the god of simple.

So anyway, since I'm on a roll... I was thinking through the whole war scenario since the reality of it is getting totally pushed on me now and I'm having to deal with it... and it was kind of funny how I was thinking about it so I wrote it all down.

I thought about how when I was predicting the Iraq invasion, people were writing in and talking about how this was brinkmanship yada yada yada... barf barf... I thought how complicated some people make a simple thing... I thought about how when I wrote "The FED's deflation smokescreen" how people wrote in talking about how I didn't know what I was talking about and there was going to be this huge deflationary collapse... wwwwrrrrroooonnnngaroni. Occam.

So first I started thinking about how it would probably be.

I mean we've now been told as of last week by the President of the United States that "force will be used if diplomacy fails." So ok, I understand that... diplomacy fails... use force... eye eye. Simple. It really could be none more simple. He prides himself on being a plain talker. That's plain talk.

So then I think... Diplomacy? Who is doing the diplomacy???

Bolton is doing the diplomacy so there's a no brainer.

I want to use Occam here... If I were in person I couldn't say it without breaking out laughing because I was laughing when I thought it...

you see... the guy who cites as his biggest accomplishment getting zionism changed at the UN from racism to not racism, is now is the diplomat with the muslims?? ... eye eye. Got it (trying not to laugh).

That is going to work out really well. So it's all patently absurd as well as patently simple. Diplomacy is going to fail. It's supposed to fail because the policy is regime change in Iran and they are SIMPLY implementing policy. Simple... Occam's razor. Simple. Don't fall for the BS coming out of the merger. That's designed to mix you up.

So with the policy being regime change in Iran, and with the previous policy having been regime change in Iraq... putting that policy implementation together with what they are saying now... I'd go so far as to say you don't even need to be a very good tea leaf reader at this point to figure out what's going to happen.

"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein

"The United States will, if necessary, act pre-emptively in exercising our inherent right of self-defense. The United States will not resort to force in all cases to pre-empt emerging threats. Our preference is that nonmilitary actions succeed. And no country should ever use pre-emptions as a pretext for aggression." -George W Bush 3/06

Occam asks a question. Who decides when a so called pre emptive attack is a pretext and when it is aggression? Occam answers the question. The Bush Doctrine of Pre emptive war is the catalyst for a lawless world of endless wars. That should just be becoming apparent although I've been saying it for 5 years now.

So anyway, I'm digressing again but this Iran thing is like introductory tea leaf reading where everyone is supposed to get an "a" if they just read the book.

But how will it happen? So that's what I was going through in my mind the other day because in order to do what I do, I need to think through this... as in through to the other side. I know I'm going to start by flattening out and unwinding... I'm already in the process of doing that... but what do I do during and after? What's that going to feel like? Am I going to be able to get my orders in even? I really want to have AC... and a phone would be good too. I guess if I have power I'm ok.

I think I would wake up one morning and turn on Mayor Bloomberg TV and see that the S&P futures were locked limit down and crude oil and distillate futures were all locked limit up. There would be green night vision images on CNN and stock footage of Jets taking off making a lot of noise and looking very professional. So right there I will know what had happened. I think it would be an Israeli led Strike on Iran, followed by some sort of retaliation which might include some Iranian missiles going off at US ships, at Israel and into US bases in Iraq.

I might be seeing initial headlines like "Israeli led strike on Iranian reactors said successful" and "US Carrier XYZ said damaged by missile" and "pentagon reports tactical nuclear weapons were used successfully with minimal collateral damage" and there would be quite an exchange which would most likely involve the US and Israel using "tactical" nuclear weapons... some tactical some not so tactical... and in the US press they'll be debating on FOX the size of a nuke you can still call tactical... having "experts" on paid by the government to tell you how big a nuclear bomb can be and still be friendly.

Rumsfeld will be on defending the use of tactical nukes and on CNN they'll be showing engineering diagrams of tactical nuclear weapons in between commercials for tampons and cheeze doodles... so I'll be feeling like... "man we're having a nuclear war"... or even just a "tactical nuclear war" (with the size of tactical under debate in between commercials)...

crude oil at that point will be $98 on it's way to $300 and there will be gas shortages beginning. The government may put price controls on energy related items. They may put limits on civilian use and issue something like a "gas card". Like you'd have to buy a card effectively ensuring people who already had a lot of money could afford to buy gas. Down in Sunrise they'll be selling counterfeit gas cards on the street corner. I have a full tank of gas but nowhere I want to go because I will realize that it is all going to have a very bad ending.

so on FOX they'll be running a headline that "Israel was defending itself" over and over and over and the US "assisted" when Iran had the gall to retaliate for getting bombed... then during and after that initial burst... Bernanke would be pushing the buy button as he was printing that money (creating that debt) to support the market and doing fairly well... (he doesn't even have to report on it now) I mean the market is down maybe 7% but hanging in there after three days... the USD is down maybe 5%... gold went to $600 but has backed off to $580...

so then Syria gets involved, mostly by getting bombed into the stone age by both the US and Israel after saying something threatening because it was pre emption and not aggression... and it will be important to remember that or you could find yourself thinking the wrong way.

so then all that lasts about three more days and then things seem surreally normal after about a week... nothing at all from Russia and China except a lot of articles and news denouncing the attack... and the market recovers a little bit and everyone goes... whew...

...and what everyone doesn't get at that point is that WWIII has started and this is just the calm before the storm... so this is my window to do things.

"The reason we start a war is to fight a war, win a war, thereby causing no more war!" -George W Bush - The first Presidential debate

because you see... the rest of the world is still in total shock... going holy %$#^ #$^$. I think we just saw two nuclear armed states bombing a non nuclear armed state because they asserted that the non nuclear state is pursuing those same weapons he's getting bombed with and he might actually use them on someone if he had them... unlike the US and Israel who are using them pre emptively!

"On the chess board lies and hypocrisy do not survive long." --Emanuel Lasker

So I play chess and I know Putin plays chess and I'm wondering... what is he thinking right now??? So at that point in my daydream I'm thinking "now is when I want to flatten out and buy a non leveraged position in comex gold futures and stand for delivery... then I start imagining myself driving up to NY in the middle of a gas shortage and war with my delivery certificates to get my gold... and I get there and they say sorry this is no good... some I isn't dotted or in other words, just some excuse backed by the full authority of law... and they just say tough luck... no gold. Sort of like a Zefco deal... sorry, your money is now our money... didn't they tell you? sorry. Stand in line if you want to try to get it back.

So then instead of having all of my money I have this sheet of paper that says I'm supposed to get some gold and it's no good and I lost all my money. That's when I go for the closest shopping cart. Seriously... that daydream convinced me, there's a good possibility a lot of people are going to be hoarding at that point. I will... I go to Costco and fill my house up with everything I might want to eat for six months or so. I think I discussed that all pretty well before... things you would and wouldn't want to do in a situation like that.

So anyway, that's my tribute to Occam and simplicity for today.

Craig Harris

321gold Inc