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Irving Resources: Akiko... Q... Mr.T & a Ferocious Cat Named??

Kevin Dougan
Posted Sep 18, 2018

It has been discussed thoroughly and been beaten to death that when the mining sector is more out of favor than even Donald J. Trump, Justin Trudeau or any current politician for that matter … it is high time to be scouring the internet for companies of real value and substance, mining for the real sleepers and value plays. They are out there but require much research and working knowledge of the sector. Attendance at trade shows and scouring the aisles for hidden gems is paramount along with networking with cohorts you can trust and rely on.

The recipe for my success is no great secret but it entails going back and reviewing companies and CEOs that made me great money in the past. One of my largest most profitable scores was with a company named Gold Canyon. It was run by one of my all-time favorite CEO & Geo combinations, none other than Akiko Levinson & Dr. Quinton Hennigh. Long story short… they made a hefty discovery of Gold in the Springpole Lake area in Ontario, Canada. It started out small in the early on but with Quinton’s great nose for sniffing out gold, it developed into a 5 million plus ounce monster gold project.

The Readers Digest version was that it was eventually bought out by First Mining Finance, as pesky drawn out First Nation issues and sharply declining gold prices made a sale the best available option at the time. It was now time for the duo to find another discovery in a much more mining friendly jurisdiction and finish what they started… developing a Gold Mine for themselves.

Thankfully, I wound up scoring big with Gold Canyon (GCU) as I kept calling Ms. Levinson and drilling her with questions and concerns. While she is as far you can get from the pushy salesman type, she exuded calming reassurance and restrained optimism that got me …hook ,line & sinker. I went all in and rode it out for years and kept adding on any price weakness. I viewed market dips as opportunities to accumulate my favorite investment when it was on sale. I kept buying and nibbling away and next thing I knew, I had a far larger position than any sane investor would have.

My stupidity, however was very well rewarded when GCU rode up from 18 cents to $4.20. As the stock price climbed, I was so ecstatic by my new-found wealth I would send gift baskets to Akiko’s office to be shared with her team. I thought that was the customary thing that delighted investors do. Turns out I was wrong, nobody does that.

Consequently, over time Akiko & I became friends and she was always very gracious and very thankful. When the company was bought out I thought our friendship would fade… but alas along came a company named, Irving Resources. What??? … Who would name a company Irving Resources???  Well, I will tell you who!!! Akiko Levinson that’s who.

Akiko has a cat named Irving who has been her best buddy for close to 14 years. Irving has been there through thick and thin, rain or shine. I believe Irving might be part dog as this normally mellow feline once attacked the mailman causing quite a ruckus. I would love to own a cat that terrorized the mailman… all he ever brings me is bills and junk mail.

Why would anyone name a mining company Irving??? Akiko Levinson, as a testament to the love and companionship that beloved Irving provided thru the years. This company isn’t out to woo you with unfounded platitudes & assertions using names like Mega, Ginormous, Colossal Gold blah, blah , blah…(truthfully most of which own nothing but moose pasture and tumble weeds).

Akiko with her quiet confidence knows she has a stellar, seemingly world class property. Who needs bombastic names when the property speaks volumes for itself. She could name the company, Fido Resources (if she owned a dog) and this company will still find favor in astute investor and analysts’ eyes.

Successful money chases successful money!!! Ask Eric Sprott, who has followed the Quinton & Akiko trail for years. He has taken a major position in IRV and waits patiently and confidently. Mr.Sprott owns over 19.9% of Irving as its largest shareholder and ultimate fan of the Irving Resource team.

In 2015, Akiko & Quinton set out to find another Gold Canyon but this time on a much grander scale. Anywhere but Canada as Q has grown weary of dealing with its bureaucrats and endless red-tape. What better place to look than where Akiko’s roots and connections lie, the country of Japan. Situated on the Rim of Fire, Japan is home to the highest-grade gold mine in the world, the Hishikari. As well as several historic multi-million oz. high-grade gold mines.

The team brought on board a gentleman named Hidetoshi Takaoka, henceforth known as Mr. T, for simplicity sake. Mr. T was the former VP of Sumitomo Metal Mining, one of the largest and most successful mining companies in Japan. He has a wealth of knowledge of Japan's mining history and virgin projects. As Quinton told me, Mr.T has a literal inventory of every property in Japan in his rolodex type mind. He touted the Omui property as by far the best he had seen with by far the most potential. On his recommendation Akiko and Q were off to check out Omui and see for themselves what this prime property held.

This led to a flight to Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan in July 2016, where Akiko and Q set out to meet with the property owner, Mr. Nanjo in Hokkaido. Did they meet in some 5-star resort? No… in typical understated fashion they went straight to the property and surveyed it with boots on. Seeing abundant visible gold in outcropping quartz veins, Quinton quickly assessed the unbelievable potential of this land package, on the spot. Q told Akiko … Irving Resources MUST get this property.

Akiko took Mr. Nanjo aside where they spoke in Japanese. Q was floored when only ten minutes later Akiko informed him the deal was consummated. (I told you she is a world class negotiator and deal maker). Willie Loman would be proud. Geez, I wish I had ten like her when I was a sales manager.

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While I won’t divulge the obscenely low sales price, the bonus 100,000 shares in Irving that Mr. Nanjo received should make him very pleased and wealthy in a few years’ time. Quinton can’t wait to tap into this monster. Alas, the permitting process in Japan makes molasses seem quick, but they are slowly but surely making progress and the abundant gold isn’t going anywhere.

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Nothing in mining is ever easy and the property is shrouded in bamboo forest and makes it extremely hard to explore.

At the beginning of the field season 2017, Dr. Hennigh was wishing out loud about having a drone to use for geophysical exploration, something that had never been attempted in Japan. Remarkably and efficiently with Japanese ingenuity and with the help from the technicians from MINDECO (Mitsui Mineral Development Engineering Company) a drone-based magnetics system was built and the first such survey was performed. Data from this survey helps immensely in identifying hard to reach targets. Hopefully it will speed up the process for Q to figure out this beast.

Quinton Hennigh is Wayne Gretsky, Michael Jordan, Tom Brady & Babe Ruth rolled into one. He is the absolute most successful geologist of his era, bar none. Possibly when all is said and done the greatest geo of all-time. From speaking with him and getting to know him, I tried to find out what makes him tick. What I found out is, his secret is his total dedication and love for what he does.

He has no hobbies but hanging out with his beloved granddaughter, Lila. Finding and hunting for gold is his passion 24/7. When asked why he is so successful, he modesty said he can only attribute it to never focusing on others previous work but always using his own instincts. Of course, always thinking outside the box and bird-dogging it till exhausted never hurts.

He also credits great partners like Akiko to just let him do his thing. He also credited Tom Hendricks, who gave him his first job in mining. When asked who his first boss was he was able to recall instantly which to me speaks volumes to his character. It shows me how well grounded and appreciative he is of his roots. During the doldrums of mining in the late 1990’s Q taught math & science at a charter school and many a student has advanced on to loftier goals from his tutelage including several into mining and mapping careers.

Akiko Levinson as well is a seasoned veteran of countless mining battles. I’m sure she has many a scar physically and mentally to show for it. Along her arduous path she has met and networked with the best in the business. She understands how to successfully run a mining company as well as anyone out there. While diminutive in stature she is a dynamo in character and leadership.

Most importantly she understands the role that marketing and promotion play. Sounds simple … I can tell you it’s not, most mining executives think having a working phone and putting out a press release is marketing. Most have no idea about social media and how it works and how to use it effectively to get your message out. Ms. Levinson created tremendous shareholder wealth at Gold Canyon and made one dummy rich in the process riding her coattails.

The fact that she has chosen www.321gold.com and Bob Moriarty speaks volumes as she has chosen the most effective and proven icon in the business. Nobody can move a stock like Mr. Moriarty when he gives it a green light. I know Bob has been to the site in Japan at least once and he was blown away by what he has seen. He and Quinton go back a long way and I wish I was privy to some of their fireside camp chats. I’m sure my bank account would be much healthier!

Maurice Jackson of www.provenandprobable.com got his clients in IRV early as he seems to find sleeper stocks with regularity and helps with the marketing efforts.

I could talk about the preliminary samples and how impressive they are but until impressive drill results are released this is an opportunity to accumulate during the market lull. It is tough to pick up shares as the shares outstanding is extremely tight and held in tighter hands.

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Bob Moriarty deems Irving Resources as a definite keeper!

I will close with this…Quinton, as I already told you, is the absolute best in the business. He feels … in his opinion this will be his greatest discovery by leaps and bounds when its all said and done. I can’t emphasize how bold a statement that is as he has worked on some of the greatest discoveries of this era. The only question is the amount of time it will take for permitting and having the tough terrain to deal with. As shareholders we will watch Q work his magic, sniff out the gold and reward loyal shareholders in the process.

Q told me “you can’t swing a cat by the tail” without hitting gold at Omui.
I can tell you with 100% certainty the cat being swung would not go by the name Irving. 😊

Irving Resources website
Symbol: IRV / IRVRF
Stock Price: $1.06
52 Week: .66 – 1.52
Shares Outstanding: 35 Million
Market Cap: $37 Million


Kevin Dougan
website: www.blueskymarketing.com

This report is my opinion on a company I researched and did my due diligence. It is my opinion and certainly not investment advice. Consult a professional when making any investment decision if so desired. Take full responsibility for any investment you make. I was not compensated in any way for this report.

Blue Sky Marketing is a contract marketing firm connecting under valued Jr. Miners with interested investors. It is run by Kevin Dougan, a former IR person and 15 year successful investor and follower of the Jr. Mining Sector.

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