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Reagan's Real Revolution, Part One

Bill Bonner
The Daily Reckoning
March 14, 2005

The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: On the outside, the U.S economy looks just fine and dandy, thanks to the "world improvers"... but if you dig a little deeper and open your eyes a little wider, you'll see something quite different. Read on . . .

(Much of the following is adapted from our largely unwritten, and completely unpublished new book... watch for it.)

A long line of long time Daily Reckoning sufferers is forming. All seem to want to say, "I told you so." Many are hoping for an apology. Some expect a confession. A few would prefer a hanging.

They will say we've been wrong about a great many things. Five years after the initial shock, the U.S. economy is still intact. Indeed, it seems to be doing just fine. During those five years, more than once we thought we saw it falling apart. Every day, we thought it should. Many readers must think we were wrong and should say so. "There is nothing wrong with the U.S. economy," they say now. Alan Greenspan pledged to "mitigate the fallout when it occurs and hopefully ease the transition to the next expansion," even before anything fell out. His mitigation was so catastrophically swift, hardly anything had time to fall before he had picked it up and boosted it higher than ever before. And if anything ever does fall out, he or his successors will mitigate even more.

What's to worry?

They will say we were wrong about foreign policy, too. The papers are full of backslapping today. Earlier in the week, President Bush spoke to the National Defense University. He told the audience that the constitution in Iraq, "must take place without external influence." Sounds strange, coming from a man with 100,000 troops in the country. Then, in a line that sounded like it was taken from a popular world improver of the previous generation, he added: "No matter how long it takes, no matter how difficult the take, we will fight the enemy and lift the shadow of fear and lead free nations to victory." All over the world, people are wondering if George W. Bush was right, after all. Are not "reform" and democracy on the verge of breaking out - all over the Middle East? Wasn't it worth killing people, after all, for the benefits these "reforms" promise? Is not George W. Bush the heir of Ronald W. Reagan, after all?

The world can be improved; we don't deny it. But the only improvements that really make the place better are those that remove the eyesores and prevarications of previous improvers.

Ronald Reagan's genius was that he was able to see that high taxes and regulation did not make the world a better place, but a worse one. Milton Friedman's three-part formula for better government - cut taxes. Cut taxes. Cut taxes - seemed like a decent solution.

Reagan had the right instinct. "Get big guv'mint off our backs," was almost his campaign theme song. And when he had the chance, he often did the right thing. Faced with a strike by air-traffic controllers - the only union to back his campaign - he fired 10,000 of them. That is, when he saw some improvement created by his predecessors, his instinct was to generally to get rid of it.

The trouble was that once in Washington, the actor still remembered his lines, but he lost the plot. Almost before he could get his cowboy boots off, he was making improvements of his own.

This was especially notable in what is known as "foreign policy." As mentioned earlier, Republicans had learned their lesson from the Vietnam War. They were generally content to mind their own business overseas, seeking only to "contain" communism - which they saw as a menace. But Reagan fell under the spell of the proto-neoconservatives in Washington. Not content to leave things alone, he decided he could improve the world by actively trying to defeat communism.

Of course, this is celebrated as a great and good victory. In her comments on Reagan's death, Britain's Maggie Thatcher said he would be mourned by "millions of men and women who live in freedom today because of the policies he pursued."

Maybe this is true. Maybe it is not. It is impossible to know what might have happened had Reagan left things alone. Most likely, communism would have fallen apart anyway, perhaps sooner.

When a man's investments go up, he is a genius. Those who failed to invest are fools. And when they go down it is because of events he could not possibly have foreseen. Likewise, in public spectacles, the link between action and consequence is forged in a way that always flatters the activists. If something turns out reasonably well, it is because some world-improver took action and made it that way. If something turns out badly, it is become someone failed to act when he should have. It is always the activists that get the monuments. Abraham Lincoln is credited with having abolished slavery - at a cost of 618,000 American lives, 2% of the entire population. (An equivalent death toll would wipe out 5 million Americans). Everywhere else in the world, slavery was abolished - at about the same time - with hardly a single corpse. The Great Emancipator might better be cursed than praised.

Likewise, Woodrow Wilson is given credit for all manner of extravagant improvements. That he almost single-handedly brought about WWII, with his appalling meddling in WWI, is never mentioned. Instead, when the subject of WWII comes up, Neville Chamberlain's name arises almost immediately. The poor man gets the blame for trying to avoid war - that is, for not taking action when he should have.

We don't know whether people are freer because of Mr. Reagan or not. We don't know whether Mr. Bush's meddling will pay off or not, either. What bothers us is the immodesty of it all.

Reagan "also helped engineer a huge surge in American patriotism," writes Ross MacKenzie. "The Carter years were a period of American self-doubt: about the economy and about American power (with the memory of Vietnam still tormenting most policymakers). Mr. Reagan set about wiping this away. He increased military spending by a quarter between 1981 and 1985. He talked to the American people not about 'malaise,' (as Mr. Carter had done) but about 'morning in America.' By the end of his second presidency, much of the talk about American decline had gone out of fashion: the country regarded itself once again not only as the world's greatest superpower, but also as the world's most dynamic economy."

Now, we look around and we see no trace of self-doubt. Instead, we have become the most confident bunch of blockheads on the globe. That alone would be no disgrace, but it comes with the most immodest plans for world improvement ... and the biggest rush of liquidity the water planet has ever seen.


Bill Bonner
The Daily Reckoning

Editor's Note: Bill Bonner is the founder and editor of The Daily Reckoning. He is also the author, with Addison Wiggin, of The Wall Street Journal best seller Financial Reckoning Day: Surviving the Soft Depression of the 21st Century (John Wiley & Sons).

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