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The Six Biggest Myths About Gold

A Report by Nick Barisheff
Nov 20, 2008

There is no sitting on the fence where gold is concerned; people either love it or hate it. Unfortunately, gold is deeply misunderstood by investors, and that misunderstanding is hurting their portfolio returns.

Many in the investment community trot out the old myths about gold: it is a bad investment; it is risky; it is not a good inflation hedge. But is there any truth behind these assertions? If investors take the time to examine the facts, these commonly held beliefs simply do not stand up to scrutiny. It is precisely because these myths have become so prevalent that gold is still undervalued. Once the general public realizes these myths are not valid, the price of gold will be much higher.

Nick Barisheff discusses the following six myths:

1) Gold is a bad investment;

2) Gold is not a good inflation hedge;

3) Gold is a risky investment;

4) Gold does not pay dividends or interest;

5) Gold is an archaic relic;

6) Mining stocks are better investments than bullion.

Investors who understand gold stand to reap significant rewards, while those who do not are missing out on the opportunity to add to their portfolios an asset class that diversifies, protects against inflation and has the potential to provide better returns than traditional assets such as stocks and bonds. In a worst-case scenario, bullion may be the only asset that holds its value. As the general public catches on to the rising price of gold, informed investors will benefit from purchasing bullion at today's undervalued prices.

For a free copy of the complete report please go to: www.goldmyths.com.

Nick Barisheff

Nick Barisheff is President and CEO of Bullion Management Group Inc., a bullion investment company that provides investors with a cost-effective, convenient way to purchase and store physical bullion. Widely recognized in North America as a bullion expert, Barisheff is an author, speaker and financial commentator on bullion and current market trends. He is interviewed monthly on Financial Sense Newshour, an investment radio program in USA. For more information on Bullion Management Group Inc. or BMG BullionFund, visit:

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