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Life is Precious

email from John Mackenzie
recv'd Mon, 10 May 2004
07:56:03 EST

The past 18 hours of my life have been completely horrific, my daughter, Olivia Grace Mackenzie, (aged 8) had a very serious seizure yesterday evening while playing with her mother and our dog. I was upstairs in our bedroom reading, to suddenly hear the most piercing screams I've ever heard, from my wife.

I couldn't find them at first, the screams from my wife were so loud and disturbing, it was completely disorienting. When I did find them, Olivia was lying on her back, white as a piece of paper, her lips blue, her eyes rolled back in her head.

The neighbors were there, and fortunately one was a pilot, another a former flight attendant. We manage to open my daughter's mouth and get her breathing again in a few minutes. My wife was so completely devastated it was impossible to get to her to even form a sentence.

Thankfully, the paramedics arrived very quickly and began to prepare her for transport to Martin Memorial here in Stuart, Florida. They assured us that Olivia would be fine and her behavior was consistent with someone who had just had a seizure.

Unfortunately, that was not to be. She began seizing again en route and by the time I had arrived, she was convulsing so violently we were scared beyond horrified. Two of her classmates' fathers are the local cardiologist and neurologist; the cardiologist was there and trying to calm my wife down and explain to her what was happening.

The team in the emergency room was amazing. I am not a big fan of hospitals lately as I've spent far too much time in ICUs with my father and dear friends recently, but every effort was clearly being made to save my daughter. Her seizures continued for three straight hours, she managed to blow though the maximum peak dose of every anti-seizure medication given. She was unable to breath on her own when she arrived at the hospital and I watched helplessly as a man named John breathed for her for two solid hours. Everything that could have gone wrong did, first her heart, then her oxygen levels and then finally her pulse.

I had to ask the Chaplain to leave as she was in and out four times and its effect on my wife was indescribable. When the cardiologist's wife showed up my heart sank. I watch her pray and pray for my daughter. I was so completely afraid.

They had given Olivia massive doses of phenobarbital to break the seizures, it took them five times to finally get her off the ledge, when she stopped seizing they immediately moved her to a ventilator and made the call to airlift her to the Pediatric ICU at St. Mary's in West Palm Beach. I sent my wife ahead with friends as it is a 40 minute drive and neither of us was allowed to join our daughter on the flight down. I stayed with Olivia and pushed her into the back of the helicopter and watched as it took off.

It took a few minutes for me to gain my composure after that as I knew we would not be with her for awhile and she was in very bad shape. There is simply nothing I can say in words to describe how completely helpless I felt. I cried the entire drive praying to God to care for her and take my life instead, but please spare her this.

Left St. Mary's around 2am and headed home as they were sedating Olivia to keep the seizures at bay and had suggested I get some rest. After having discussed this with my wife, Lynn, we decided it best I go home and put things in order and take care of my son's needs.

The drive home was the longest drive of my life and when I finally stopped praying to God for my daughter's life and safety, I managed to crawl in bed with two of the stuffed animals she favors. I could not sleep and cried, screamed and clutched that stuffed dolphin and seal like they were her, until I passed out and awoke this morning three hours later.

I spoke to my wife Lynn 15 minutes ago and she informed me Olivia still began to seize when they backed off the phenobarbital. She has had CAT scans for her head and is going on for MRIs this morning to see if they can locate a cause.

Her spine was tapped last night at 1AM and the fluids revealed no Meningitis so far. The sample culture was clear and not cloudy. The probabilities are low.

We just know don't know much right now, other than our beloved daughter... my little girl... is not well.

Please say your prayers for her.

Please. I beg of you.


John Mackenzie
Mon, 10 May 2004 07:56:03 EST

(This sad email is reprinted at 321gold with John's permission. And it goes without saying that Olivia, John and his wife, Lynn and family are in our thoughts).