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Interesting & Timeless Jan 2020

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02/01/2020 Man Keeps Rock For Years, Hoping It’s Gold. It Turned Out to Be Far More Valuable   GS 
01/31/2020 Princely tomb of Iron Age mystery man discovered in Italy. And there's a chariot inside   LiveScience 
01/30/2020 Ten celestial events you don't want to miss in 2020   SmithsonianMag 
01/29/2020 A Marriage Made in Hell  Martin Zamyatin  321gold 
01/28/2020 The Oldest Material On Earth Has Been Identified As 7-Billion-Year-Old Stardust   ATII 
01/27/2020 The Evolution of Pregnancy Portraits, From Tudor England to Beyoncé   SmithsonianMag 
01/26/2020 An ancient aquatic system older than the pyramids has been revealed by the Australian bushfires   CNN 
01/25/2020 Poll: Overwhelming majority say news media making US more politically divided   TheHill 
01/24/2020 How French ‘Casket Girls’ Were Forced Into The New World To ‘Tame’ The Male Settlers   ATII 
01/23/2020 Rare coin featuring abdicated King Edward VIII sells for record $1.3 million   CNN 
01/22/2020 After Investigating 1,000 Near Death Experiences, This Author Came To The Conclusion That Life After Death Is Very Real   EOTAD 
01/21/2020 Disturbing evidence in Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy points to his murder: pathologist   NYPost 
01/20/2020 How the Government Came to Decide the Color of Your Food   SmithsonianMag 
01/19/2020 Massive Gold Bar Unearthed in Mexico Was Looted Aztec Treasure   LiveScience 
01/18/2020 Taal Volcano Erupts in Philippines   AE 
01/17/2020 Huge Hoard of 1000-year-old Yotvingian Weapons Unearthed in Poland   AO 
01/16/2020 10 Teachers Fired For Ridiculous Reasons   Listverse 
01/15/2020 Welcome to Jchmov The Check Town that Invented the Dollar   BBC 
01/14/2020 10 Incredible Historic Sites We Lost Forever (Due To Stupidity)   Listverse 
01/13/2020 Zinaida Portnova: The Teenage Partisan Who Became A Soviet Hero During World War II   ATII 
01/12/2020 Skeletons Unearthed in Connecticut May Belong to Revolutionary War Soldiers   SmithsonianMag 
01/11/2020 High-Status Roman Burials Found in Britain   SmithsonianMag 
01/10/2020 Aliens definitely exist and they could be living among us on Earth, says Britain's first astronaut   CNN 
01/09/2020 Alzheimer's 'could be reversed by shining LIGHT directly into the brain to sweep away toxic proteins and help patients regain their memory'   DM 
01/08/2020 11 ways people dodged the draft during the Vietnam War   BI 
01/07/2020 According to Research, Here's What's Likely to Happen in The '20s. And It's Not Great   ScienceAlert 
01/06/2020 What We Can Learn From Ötzi the Iceman’s Hunting Pack   SmithsonianMag 
01/05/2020 Project Habbakuk: Britain's secret attempt to build an ice warship   CNN 
01/04/2020 Nanobots, ape chauffeurs and flights to Pluto. The predictions for 2020 we got horribly wrong   CNN 
01/03/2020 Top 10 Predictions For The Next Decade   Listverse 
01/02/2020 Tomb Containing Three Generations of Warrior Women Unearthed in Russia   SmithsonianMag 
01/01/2020 2 billion-year-old water on Earth may hold answers to Mars mysteries   MSN 

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